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We bring them to you every day. And now we need your help. Every day, we work to bring you the truth. Now we need your help. We’re committed to bringing them to you every day. But we need your help. Our reporters work tirelessly to bring you the truth. Help us continue.

Dear readers,

The Kremlin crushed Meduza’s business model and wiped out our ad revenue. We’ve been blocked and outlawed in Russia, where donating to us or even sharing our posts is a crime. But we’re still here — bringing independent journalism to millions of our readers inside Russia and around the world.

Meduza’s survival is under threat — again. Donald Trump’s foreign aid freeze has slashed funding for international groups backing press freedom. Meduza was hurt too. It’s yet another blow in our ongoing struggle to survive.

Please, help us keep going. The time to act is now.

Yours, Meduza

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