The objectives of this newsletter ARE to foster and mobilise support for:

  • Australian values, our sovereignty and our democratic, free way of life;

  • The greatest liberty of them all: the right to life;

  • Our nation's history and heritage against black armband revisionism;

  • Secure borders and strong border protection;

  • Our defence force and returned service personnel;

  • Our economic independence so that Australian farmers, industry, business and workers prosper as opposed to foreign corporations or state-owned enterprises controlling the market;

  • Our national security from potential attacks from aggressors both domestic and abroad, including radical Islamists and Communist China; and,

  • Our allies in freedom and democracy across the world.

The time is now for every proud Australian to step to the fore and fight for our sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for our nation’s future.

Authorised by George Christensen, Mackay for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party.