Democracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion Welcome to the United States of ‘Idiocracy’

June 30, 2020 at 6:08 p.m. EDT
President Trump speaks to the media as he leaves the White House on June 23. (Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post)

When Mike Judge’s movie “Idiocracy” came out in 2006, almost no one saw it. (The film grossed less than $500,000 at the box office.) Now everyone should see it.

Luke Wilson plays an average Joe who is put into suspended animation and reawakens 500 years later to find himself the smartest person in America because everyone else has gotten so dumb. The No. 1 TV show features contestants being hit in their private parts; crops are watered with a sports energy drink, causing a famine; and the president is a former wrestler and porn star who curses freely and fires automatic weapons on TV.