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- About us
- Regional Collaboration Centres
- The CiACA
About the Secretariat
Regional Collaboration Centres
RCC Events
RCC Bangkok
RCCs Engage on Article 6 Capacity Building Needs
Regional Dialogue on Carbon Pricing (REdiCAP) in Central Asia
Good Practices in NDC Update and Implementation: Challenges and Lessons Learned from Asia, the Middle East and North Africa
8 April 2021- DNA Virtual Workshop Series: Fourth Episode on Sustainable Development Assessment of Climate Actions
Climate Neutral Now Regional Launch Webinar for Asia, the Pacific, Middle East, and North Africa
Building SME’s Capacity on Climate Action - Experiences from South-East Asia – Side event at the APCW 8 July 2021
NDC Implementation: Good Practices in the Pacific
Consultation Workshop: Building Capacity for Climate Action by SMEs Date: 26th October
First sector-specific webinar on "Carbon Pricing and Regulated Power Sectors” in ASEAN
Resources on Climate Science Literacy in Asia and the Pacific
Training by the UNFCCC: Which data are necessary for baseline development?
Youth in Asia and the Pacific unite to fight climate change ahead of COP26
28 June 2022 | Virtual Webinar - Notification to Parties on the NDC and LT-LEDS Synthesis Reports in Asia, MENA, and the Pacific
UNFCCC and TGO Cooperate on Climate Action in Thailand
28 June 2022: Webinar – Notification to Parties on the NDC and LT-LEDS Synthesis Reports in the Pacific
Workshop Recap: Transitioning to the ETF and Tracking Progress in Implementing and Achieving NDCs for the Pacific Region
LT-LEDS Regional Capacity Building Workshop for Asia and the Pacific
Capacity building Workshop on Carbon Pricing in Lao PDR
Webinar for Asia and Pacific on NDC/LT-LEDS Update and Synthesis Report 2023
ASEAN Conference 2023 - RCCAP
APCW 203: RCC Asia and the Pacific Engagement
RCC AP highlights from COP 28
Latest Events
Facilitating the Clean Development Mechanism in Cambodia
RCC Bangkok Events and Workshops
About RCC Bangkok
Sign Up for the RCC Bangkok Newsletter
INDC workshop, Bangkok (15 February 2016)
Work programme
Opportunities to get involved
DNA Virtual Workshop
DNA Virtual Workshop Series: Second Episode on Standardized Baselines (SBs) and their applications
28 to 29 September - ASEAN Countries Meet for the Regional Dialogue on Carbon Pricing
Conversation on Climate Action: An Interview with the UK Government’s COP26 Ambassador to Asia-Pacific and South Asia
DNA Virtual Workshop Series: Third Episode on Domestic and International Carbon Markets
Survey on NDCs: Asia-Pacific, Middle East and North Africa
Intergenerational action on climate change: Unleashing the power of older people
RCC Kampala
Exchange of lessons learnt and good practices regarding MRV systems from Eastern and Southern Africa
Third dialogue on the implementation of international climate change decisions on gender
Earthshot Prize Names RCC Kampala Official Nominator
Rwanda Enhances Civil Society Support for NDCs
News, Documents and Portals
Opportunities to get Involved
Work Programme
Latest News from RCC Kampala
Practitioners Workshop on Climate Finance for Low Carbon Development
Events, Resources and Portals
About RCC Kampala
RCC Kampala Newsletter
/Webinar on Standardized Baselines, 23 June 2020
Sign Up for the RCC Kampala Newsletter
Capacity building workshop on development of CDM activities and NAMA for public and private sector in Zimbabwe
Converting Rwandan NDC into action: The role of NAMAs in NDC implementation
RCC Lome
Interview with the UN Resident Coordinator in Togo
RCC's engagement on LT-LEDS development in Africa
Carbon Pricing Approaches in West Africa
Facilitating an Enabling Environment for Article 6 Participation in Africa
About RCC WAC Africa
Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) Readiness Seminar- Africa
Webinar - Notification to Parties on NDC and LT-LEDS Synthesis Reports (Africa)
25th May 2022 | Virtual: Webinar - Notification to Parties on NDC and LT-LEDS Synthesis Reports (Africa)
ECOWAS recommends the highest political adoption of their regional climate finance strategy under the UNFCCC supported needs-based finance project
Sub-regional dialogue on the MRV framework West Africa
14 July 2021 - UNFCCC and UK’s COP26 Presidency deliver a briefing to the ECOWAS Commission and UN agencies in West Africa
Stakeholders consultation in Senegal under the consultancy study on carbon tax
RCC Lome and the WAA strengthen West African states capacities on carbon pricing
BOAD allocates USD 200,000 to AGYLE
Sign Up for the RCC Lomé Newsletter
RCC Lomé - Events, Documents and Portals
RCC Panama
Interview with the first Minister of Climate Change in Latin America
Article 6 Training for Countries Leaders in Latin America
Latin America gears up for the implementation of Article 6
AGYLE Knowledge Hub
AGYLE Latin America
27 and 28 January 2022 - Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa shared Important reflections on Implementing Multilateral Environmental Agreements at the 40th meeting of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean
Exclusive interview with recognized climate leader for urban climate action
Regional workshop supporting national experts on the transition to ETF
Estrategias Climáticas de Largo Plazo discutidas en América Latina
UN Climate Change supports Honduras to improve the country’s technical understanding of financial flows, actions and strategies to mobilize climate finance
Long-term Strategies Discussed in Latin American
Accelerating climate action through Climate Technology Transfer at the Regional Climate Week
DNA Forum: Sharing CDM experiences for Latin America and the Caribbean
Sign Up for the RCC Panama Newsletter
25 January 2021 - Interview with the UK government’s COP26 Regional Ambassador to Latin America and the Caribbean
About RCC Panama's Host Partners
Annual reports, publications and previous events
Exclusive Interview with the Minister of Environment of Panama
Best Practices in Integrating Gender into National Climate Actions - Virtual Workshop Explores Best Practices from America and the Caribbean
Shared visions and experiences on financial instruments for a prospering post-pandemic future at Climate and Sustainable Financing Week for Latin America and the Caribbean
Exclusive Interview with Assembly woman H.E. Ana Belén Marín of the National Assembly of Ecuador, President of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change
Work Programme
RCC Panama About us
RCC Panama Newsletters
RCC for the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia
About the RCC MENA and SA
Regional Collaboration Centre Dubai - Events and documents
RCC Dubai projects
An exclusive interview with the Minister
Contribute to Climate Action
Sign Up for the RCC Dubai Newsletter
Conversations on Climate Action
An exclusive interview with the Minister
AGYLE Webinars Series: The opportunity for a green recovery in the post COVID-19 scenario in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement: The role of Youth
Survey on NDCs: Asia-Pacific, Middle East and North Africa
Are SMEs ready for Climate Action: sharing global experiences on capacity-building?
28 June 2022 | Virtual - Webinar - Notification to Parties on the NDC and LT-LEDS Synthesis Reports in Asia and MENA
RCC St. George
23 TO 27 August 2021 - Experiences of UN Summer Academy 2021: Interactive opportunity to explore the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development
Enhancing a coordinated approach on financing for Climate Action on land in the Caribbean
Caribbean AGYLE
Healthy People Make the Case for Climate Action
Caribbean Academy for Global Youth Leadership Empowerment (AGYLE) is launched!
14 May 2021 - DNA Forum Meets at LACCW 2021
16-18 June 2021: Standardized Baseline & Grid Emissions Factor Calculation Training Workshop
22 June 2021: Caribbean countries discuss adaptation reporting under the UNFCCC Transparency Arrangements
1 July 2021 - Bringing Caribbean’s attention to Carbon Markets and related mechanisms
6 July 2021- Climate Neutral Now Regional Launch Webinar for the Caribbean
15 July 2021- 2nd edition of the Caribbean NDC Support Virtual Exchange Series Launches
Caribbean NDC Support Advances Long-Term Climate Change Strategies
Stay alive and thrive campaign
25 to 28 August 2021 - UNFCCC High-Level COP26 Champion visits Grenada
Caribbean NDC Support Virtual Exchange Series Wraps Up
13 October 2021- Caribbean AGYLE webinar series kicks off by engaging youth
Youth Resilience Building in Focus at 2nd Caribbean AGYLE Webinar
20 – 22 April 2022 Carbon pricing training held in Grenada and St. Lucia
9-10 May 2022 Hands-on training workshop on transitioning to the ETF and tracking progress in implementing and achieving NDCs for the Caribbean region
23 May 2022 Caribbean AGYLE Webinar Series concludes with discussions on Carbon Markets
Emission Trading Scheme Simulation
The ambition cycle – a new cycle approach to NDC and their articulation with LT-LEDS Goals
RCC Caribbean Engages Local Communities and Academia
Lessons Learned from Belize's Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) Process
Caribbean NDC Support Platform: 4th Virtual Exchange: Accounting and Tracking Progress for NDCs
RCC St. George's Events, Workshops and Resources
RCC St George's Newsletter
Upcoming events
Work programme
RCC St. George's Brochure
About the RCC St. George's
Webinar - Caribbean NDC Revision: Where Are We? Experience Exchange Session
Integrating Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in NDCs Panelists - Caribbean NDC Support Virtual Exchange Series: Session 2
RCC St George's Caribbean NDC Support Virtual Exchange Platform held its 3rd Session: Linking Sustainable Development and NDCs
World Youth Day 2020: Joint Call For Climate Action by More than 30 Athletes of all Abilities
Caribbean NDC Support Platform: 4th Virtual Exchange: Accounting and Tracking Progress for NDCs
RCC St. George's Newsletters
Experiences of UN Summer Academy 2020: The Future We Want, the UN We Need: Reaffirming our Collective Commitment to Multilateralism
16 September 2020 - Overview of Process and Provisions for Nationally Determined Contributions and Enhanced Transparency Framework
5th Caribbean NDC Virtual Exchange
20 to 22nd October 2020 - UNFCCC and GIZ team up in the Caribbean to deliver virtual training on cooling systems
The Caribbean Virtual Exchange Series on NDC development The sixth and final webinar
Opportunities to get Involved
22 October 2020 - Round-up of the Caribbean Virtual Exchange Series
Standardized Baselines as key tools for enhancing climate ambition: Experiences in Latin America and Caribbean
Advancing the Energy Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) _ A two-day virtual event
RCC St. George’s interviews H.E. Fiona Clouder, the UK Government’s COP26 Regional Ambassador to Latin America and the Caribbean.
Got tech? UN Climate Change/CTCN webinar introduces technology support and funding in the Caribbean
Expression of Interest
RCC Highlights
RCCs in 2023 – Boosting Regional Preparedness
RCCs in 2022 – Accelerating Implementation
RCCs Annual Report 2021
RCCs Annual Report 2020
RCCs Annual Report 2019
Regional Collaborative Centers (RCCs): A Critical Component in the New Dispensation
Regional Dialogues on Carbon Pricing, Article 6 Training and DNA Forum
Regional Virtual Platform
Webinar - Notification to Parties on NDC and LT-LEDS Synthesis Reports (Africa)
2023 Webinar Series on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
Meet the RCC Team
RCC Events at COP28
RCCs Regional Coverage
Executive Secretary communications
Executive Secretary: Mr. Simon Stiell
Former Executive Secretary: Ms. Patricia Espinosa
Former Executive Secretary: Ms. Christiana Figueres
Former Executive Secretary: Mr. Yvo de Boer
Former Executive Secretary: Ms. Joke Waller-Hunter
Former Executive Secretary: Mr. Michael Zammit Cutajar
Former Acting Executive Secretary: Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw
Reports & Highlights
Code of conduct for UNFCCC events
Contact and directions
Press and media
Review of the structure and operations
UNFCCC archives