Balancer is Live 🎉

Mike McDonald
Balancer Protocol
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2020


Balancer is officially live on mainnet! After publishing the whitepaper in September, we have been heads down building the contracts, interfaces, libraries, and more the past 6 months. The contracts were officially deployed in February however we spent the last few weeks running our bug bounty program along with a closed beta to gather feedback from early community members.

Below is a quick walk through on all of the components that make up the development of Balancer.

  • Pool Management Dapp:
    This interface is for users to add/remove liquidity to existing finalized pools and eventually create and interact with both private and smart pools.
  • Exchange Proxy:
    The exchange proxy is a very simple forwarding proxy that atomically executes all swaps provided from the SOR in a single transaction.
  • Documentation: The docs can be found at and accept contributions at There’s a lot we will be adding in the next several weeks!
  • Subgraph:
    We utilize the graph protocol to index our contracts and make specific queries faster for the data layers of our applications.
  • Analytics: Balancer contracts are indexed and queryable through Dune Analytics. We also plan to work with the Blocklytics and Defi Pulse teams to add additional metrics around returns, growth, and more.
  • Dex aggregators: 1inch is sourcing liquidity from Balancer at launch. Balancer is already a top recommendation on 1inch for two-sided pricing on many popular trading pairs. And that’s on very small amounts of test liquidity so far! We are also working with, 0x API, Totle, and others to include Balancer liquidity throughout the dex space.
  • Smart Pools: Although code is not ready to open-source for smart pools we have several templates in the works for pools such as: liquidity bootstrapping pools, rolling synthetic pools, zero impermanent-loss stablecoin pools, dynamic swap fee pools, and more! These templates will allow anyone to tweak specific parameters and deploy a smart pool optimized for their specific use case.

If any of the above code sound interesting to work on, we’re hiring! There are several engineering positions we will look to fill over the next 6 months, with a focus on a lead front-end developer for the first hire. Please reach out at

