Refreshing and crisp ambient. It sounds just like the cover art looks. I’ve enjoyed this album for many years, I hope poemme will return with another someday.
Favorite track: a path between the clouds.
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
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Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
$7USD or more
CD Edition
Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album
Includes additional artwork printed on translucent vellum, and a sheer, soft leaflet to keep the CD safe. Everything is enclosed in a clear plastic pocket.
Includes unlimited streaming of Frozen Passages
via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
A year following my last release, Moments in Golden Light, I present a collection of soundscapes embodying quite a different vision. Frozen Passages is an imagined journey into the far north of the continent, through boreal forest, across vast, barren landscape, through the iciest storm, and eventually finding warm refuge as the night brings a welcome calm to the tundra. Though you will meet no fellow traveler on this trek, it is not a solitary journey. Your companions in this story are the birds of the air in all of their diverse colors and forms. Small songbirds flit overhead from tree to tree in the taiga, curious and watchful of your presence. In open country, the silhouette of a lone raptor moves gracefully beneath the sky's sparse clouds, held aloft by unseen currents of wind, seemingly aloof, yet ever aware of you and every moving thing in its scope. These wondrous fauna, my favorites in the animal kingdom, are represented in many of these soundscapes as flourishes of woodwinds and distant flutes, sounds intended to evoke the calls of these beautiful winged creatures. Few things in nature stir my heart more than the sight of a hawk or an eagle in flight, or inspire in me a feeling of affinity more than the smallest of avians. And so I hope you will find in Frozen Passages a balance of snowy, frost-covered dreamscapes, inspired by the beauty of nature, and tempered with the warmth of human emotion.
Thank you for listening ♥
A note about the titles of tracks 1 and 2... Read in sequence, the latter might seem to suggest a connection between the two -- that the chickadee is watchful because of the red-tailed hawk. However, I mean no such connection to be made and would not intend to bring the idea of danger or uneasiness into the context of this album (though it would reflect nature). Instead, track 2's title was changed from 'boreal palace' to 'watchful chickadee' when I ventured out into the back yard for one last field recording and unexpectedly, to my delight, captured the plaintive "fee-bee" song of a nearby chickadee. This simple and sweet tune is one that I am always glad to hear, as it makes me think of my dad, who loves birds and never misses a chance to whistle the chickadee's song back in reply if there is one near. The title, then, quite opposite to the interpretation posed above, relates instead a connection between the bird and the traveler / listener, and is meant to convey the idea of being watched over by a benevolent entity, of feeling a sense of security from the presence of a companion.
released September 27, 2019
on Stereoscenic Records [SCENE30]
music & artwork by angela klimek
mastering by andrew j klimek
supported by 119 fans who also own “Frozen Passages”
The first time I listened to this record, I had stayed up pretty late playing co-op games with my childhood best friend. needing something to sleep to, I bought this because i had listened the the entire backlog of the offical podcast and needed something less chaotic to sleep to that worked well with the falling rain.
Despite only sleeping for 7-8 hours, it was the best sleep I had had in years and it was all thanks to this record. If you sleep to ambient music, this is a must have. mon1ka
Minimalist compositions that take their time unfolding, bands of sound melting glacier-like from one end of the song to the other. Bandcamp... New & Notable Aug 6, 2023
Australian musician and educator channels the principles of environmental science and field recordings into vast ambient soundscapes. Bandca...mp New & Notable Dec 7, 2022
Originally commissioned for use in the yoga classes Smith’s mother teaches, these ambient soundscapes have a natural, invigorating warmth. Bandcamp Album of the Day Jan 4, 2019
supported by 106 fans who also own “Frozen Passages”
I can't tell you how impactful your music has been on me; it's helped me get through some of the most painful times in my life, and it's also brought me peace and joy. I listen to your music on a nightly basis to help me relax and fall asleep. Thank you. ❤️ Travis Mida