Coronavirus Contracts
Tracking Federal Purchases to Fight the Coronavirus
The federal government is spending billions of dollars to combat the coronavirus. Explore who the U.S. is buying from, what it’s buying and how much it’s paying.
by Moiz Syed and Derek Willis, May 27, 2020. Updated Jan. 11, 2022
Search contract descriptions, companies and agencies.
Amount Committed
Sole-Source Contracts
Examples of What the U.S. Has Bought
Top Spending Categories
Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and SuppliesContracts2,942Total$7.07B
Fruits and VegetablesContracts454Total$4.3B
Other Professional ServicesContracts458Total$2.54B
Laboratory TestingContracts262Total$2.23B
Drugs and BiologicalsContracts253Total$1.77B
Laboratory Equipment and SuppliesContracts610Total$1.63B
Biomedical Advanced Development R&DContracts65Total$1.54B
Hospital and Surgical Clothing and Related Special Purpose ItemsContracts179Total$1.06B
Financial ServicesContracts24Total$844M
Biggest Contracts
VendorLEIDOS BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, INC. | DescriptionOperation of Government Owned Contractor Operated R&D Facilities | Total Committed$938M |
VendorRER SOLUTIONS, INC. | DescriptionFinancial Services | Total Committed$800M |
VendorJANSSEN PHARMACEUTICALS INC | DescriptionDrugs and Biologicals | Total Committed$690M |
VendorEMERGENT MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS BALTIMORE LLC | DescriptionBiomedical Advanced Development R&D | Total Committed$686M |
VendorPHILIPS NORTH AMERICA LLC | DescriptionMedical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies | Total Committed$647M |
Top Vendors
VendorLEIDOS BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, INC. | Contracts2 | Total Committed$938M |
VendorRER SOLUTIONS, INC. | Contracts1 | Total Committed$800M |
VendorASTRAZENECA PHARMACEUTICALS LP | Contracts2 | Total Committed$700M |
VendorJANSSEN PHARMACEUTICALS INC | Contracts1 | Total Committed$690M |
Agency Spending
AgencyOffice of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response - HHS | Contracts264 | Total Committed$10.1B |
AgencyAgricultural Marketing Service | Contracts544 | Total Committed$5.62B |
AgencyDepartment of Veterans Affairs | Contracts4470 | Total Committed$4.43B |
AgencyNational Institutes of Health | Contracts951 | Total Committed$2.91B |
AgencyFederal Emergency Management Agency | Contracts331 | Total Committed$2.15B |
Where Vendors Are Located
StateVirginia | Vendors739 | Total Committed$6.29B |
StateMaryland | Vendors498 | Total Committed$3.98B |
StateCalifornia | Vendors820 | Total Committed$3.16B |
StateTexas | Vendors555 | Total Committed$2.32B |
StateIllinois | Vendors242 | Total Committed$2.13B |
Icons by Haisam Hussein, special to ProPublica.
About this data
This data comes from the Federal Procurement Data System, which includes all contracts worth $10,000 or more. We look at all contracts that are tagged with the procurement code for COVID-19 or otherwise started in 2020 and contain “COVID-19” in the description. Department of Defense contracting data is subject to a 90-day delay before it appears in the data.