The answer to your question is very simple and it will surprise you.
The sexual market place is a market first, sexual second. All women age. Some within a few years, other within decades. If beauty is the only thing to consider it makes no sense to “buy” (=marry) an asset when you know its value will only go down.
Very few fools make over 1m per year and even less are billionaires. These guys know what they are doing. If they want beauty, they will rent or lease. For 10 000$ a month you can have a hot young woman who will be very hot and very sexy and do her very best to please you. If she loos
The answer to your question is very simple and it will surprise you.
The sexual market place is a market first, sexual second. All women age. Some within a few years, other within decades. If beauty is the only thing to consider it makes no sense to “buy” (=marry) an asset when you know its value will only go down.
Very few fools make over 1m per year and even less are billionaires. These guys know what they are doing. If they want beauty, they will rent or lease. For 10 000$ a month you can have a hot young woman who will be very hot and very sexy and do her very best to please you. If she looses her spark after a year or two she is very easily replaced. Some russian oligarchs have 3–5 of these on their payroll constantly.
Billionaires are not restricted to the US. They own jets and can have a mistress in rio, another one in berlin and a 3rd one in HK.
If a billionaire chooses to marry he will have very good reasons to do so. Sex and good looks can be outsourced, some other things can not.
This kind of question can ONLY come from a woman who thinks 1) she has above average looks, 2) she should be the one on their arm, and 3) she is “entitled” to both. Which actually explains exactly why she’s not and never will be.
You see there are two kinds of “popularity”: that based on status-seeking and that based on amiability. A question like this usually comes from a woman who is the former, a status-seeker.
The problem is that status-seeking is a shallow and insipid thing usually resulting in similar relations that are never satisfying, especially for the guy, and don’t last.
Guys usually
This kind of question can ONLY come from a woman who thinks 1) she has above average looks, 2) she should be the one on their arm, and 3) she is “entitled” to both. Which actually explains exactly why she’s not and never will be.
You see there are two kinds of “popularity”: that based on status-seeking and that based on amiability. A question like this usually comes from a woman who is the former, a status-seeker.
The problem is that status-seeking is a shallow and insipid thing usually resulting in similar relations that are never satisfying, especially for the guy, and don’t last.
Guys usually figure this out fairly quickly and so the first thing they look for after basic attractiveness is amiability and any person with a whiff of status-seeking, no matter how “hot” she is, is usually someone to run far and fast from. Basically this kind of person smells like “Gold Digger” with all the bad things associated with that!
Which gets us to “how do you become amiable vs. status seeking”. Well this usually starts in your teens and by the time you are in your 20s-30s, you are locked into one or the other. One can’t simply switch that easily.
Often (but not always) the good-looking girls in high school become status-seeking because their looks enable popularity “on the cheap” and without much effort. It’s not always the good looking girls however often it is.
In contrast the more average girls learn they have to step up their game to compete and develop themselves more completely and broadly, and amiability is usually a central part of that. Again - there are exceptions but generally. This becomes a self-reinforcing thing and by your 20s.
As a result, the personalities of the status-seekers look like this:
where one side (everything about status including good looks) is overdeveloped but everything else is stunted, puny and unsustainable in a relationship. You learn to recognize this for your own self-protection.
The Amiables are more evenly developed, symmetric, etc., making them superficially seem more “average” but ultimately they are more reliable and even-keeled making them better mates in the eyes of men who have much to lose if they hook up with Cra-Cra or Gold Diggers. So Amiable personalities look more like this - not stunning but nice enough and evenly developed.
Serious people marry serious people. Physical beauty may be a criterion, but it is unlikely to be at the top of the list.
Marc Z only wears gray t-shirts and jeans. Steve Jobs only wore black turtlenecks and jeans. Bill Gates wasn’t this extreme but paid no attention to what he was wearing for the longest time. Why? These guys are really, really busy. Bill Gates or Steve Jobs used to work 16–17 hours a day, at least six days a week. They routinely had scheduled meetings (and not emergency meetings) at 1 am on their calendars.
A super-busy person like this does not want to go home and find that t
Serious people marry serious people. Physical beauty may be a criterion, but it is unlikely to be at the top of the list.
Marc Z only wears gray t-shirts and jeans. Steve Jobs only wore black turtlenecks and jeans. Bill Gates wasn’t this extreme but paid no attention to what he was wearing for the longest time. Why? These guys are really, really busy. Bill Gates or Steve Jobs used to work 16–17 hours a day, at least six days a week. They routinely had scheduled meetings (and not emergency meetings) at 1 am on their calendars.
A super-busy person like this does not want to go home and find that the toilet bowl is choked and he needs to call a plumber. He does not want to come home and find that the house is dark because he forgot to pay the electricity bill. He is going to miss some of his wife’s birthdays or their wedding anniversaries, and does not need a wife who will pack her bags and move back in with her parents when he does.
When a person is that successful, that busy, s/he needs a spouse who is understanding, mature, and is willing to take a back seat. This is not true only of men; successful women also have their spouses taking a back seat. Spouses of many highly successful female CEOs such as Carly Fiorina or Indra Nooyi have all but given up their careers. Companionship and a mature, understanding relationship matters more to such people. That’s why there are very few divorces among them.
Let’s put this way.
I’m nowhere near billionaire status, but I am sure most if not all billionaires especially ones in Silicon Valley are people smart, and business smart; hence that’s why they are billionaires.
These billionaires will no doubt have their net value, assets, experiences, etc whatever value they have will increase year over year, so when someone is with them their value as a whole (not just $$ value) will also increase like fine wine. Being the people savvy person they are, 9/10 will definitely try to find someone that can complement them, and increase each other’s value.
Would the
Let’s put this way.
I’m nowhere near billionaire status, but I am sure most if not all billionaires especially ones in Silicon Valley are people smart, and business smart; hence that’s why they are billionaires.
These billionaires will no doubt have their net value, assets, experiences, etc whatever value they have will increase year over year, so when someone is with them their value as a whole (not just $$ value) will also increase like fine wine. Being the people savvy person they are, 9/10 will definitely try to find someone that can complement them, and increase each other’s value.
Would they date someone drop dead gorgeous? Absolutely, they make great eye candy, but would they invest into a long term relationship if that other person’s value is their physical beauty? Probably not, because that would be a sunk cost. Beauty fades over year, but brains, personality, and values won’t.
I do like dating pretty girls, but around 80% of those who are really good looking/drop dead gorgeous thinks their beauty will get them far in life. And the last 20% are both, but generally crazy. So for a serious relationship I tend to find someone average or a little above average. There are many specs to go about in measuring this, but beauty is only one part of the whole package. I’m not saying physical beauty isn’t important, but it’s not the only thing that matters.
Disclaimer: I’m not a billionaire or a millionaire, but this is from a mindset of someone who makes a fair amount of money.
They choose people that they love and care for irrespective of looks - remember people it's the people on the way up that matter, especially is true of partner choices.
A lot of people become very shallow when it comes to money, I am quite sure that a few billion would make a lot of women think that you are the sexiest man ever to walk the earth, the ones that found you sexy with a bus pass are the keepers.
Finally have you seen some of the sexiest women in the world without make up?
They choose people that they love and care for irrespective of looks - remember people it's the people on the way up that matter, especially is true of partner choices.
A lot of people become very shallow when it comes to money, I am quite sure that a few billion would make a lot of women think that you are the sexiest man ever to walk the earth, the ones that found you sexy with a bus pass are the keepers.
Finally have you seen some of the sexiest women in the world without make up?
This is not always true:
- Elon Musk’s ex-wife Tabulah Riley was a babe
- Sean Parker’s wife is pretty hot
- The Snapchat guy married supermodel Miranda Kerr
Now, to explain why this isn't more common, I think you’ll find that the answer lies more with the female gender than the tech billionaires.
In short, women are still programmed or conditioned to seek out jocks. This starts in high school or even earlier, when most nerds can't even sit at the same lunch table as the attractive girls, much less date them.
At that age, not many girls are thinking about the fact that most of these jocks will not end up
This is not always true:
- Elon Musk’s ex-wife Tabulah Riley was a babe
- Sean Parker’s wife is pretty hot
- The Snapchat guy married supermodel Miranda Kerr
Now, to explain why this isn't more common, I think you’ll find that the answer lies more with the female gender than the tech billionaires.
In short, women are still programmed or conditioned to seek out jocks. This starts in high school or even earlier, when most nerds can't even sit at the same lunch table as the attractive girls, much less date them.
At that age, not many girls are thinking about the fact that most of these jocks will not end up with a career in pro-sports, but instead will end up with low-paying jobs, often times with alcoholism and other problems.
What girls are thinking about that age is competing with other girls for popularity, and the popular girls all date the jocks. So their whole mindset is thinking in terms of how to appeal to jocks. Nerds aren't even on the radar. If they were, you’d see attractive girls rushing to sign-up for the Calculus classes, not cheerleading squads.
That mindset doesn't magically change when the girl gets older. Sure, as a woman gets older and has had her fair share of jocks, she might become more open minded about dating a nerd — particularly one who is rich enough to afford her a comfortable lifestyle. But at that point, the woman doesn’t really know how to go about it. Her whole life, she has been conditioned to seek out and appeal to a particular kind of guy. Bagging a rich nerd requires a different mindset and most importantly, a different social circle. The normal places a woman would go hunting for the former-jock men, she won't find those rich nerds.
There’s one other factor, which is that many of the women who weren't so popular in high school and didn't get to date the jocks carry a bit of a chip on their shoulder. These women secretly wish they could have been like the popular women in high school, and hence are often still trying to get the attention of the kind of men they couldn't get in high school, even though high school is long over. In essence, high school sets your expectations for life!
Now, let’s look at the other side of the equation. Surely, these successful Silicon Valley billionaires could go out of their way to snag beautiful babes if they wanted to? Absolutely, but it would require them to leave the nerdy social circles where they’re worshipped like kings for their brilliance, and muck it in social circles where people are only going to look at them because of their money. Most will choose what is familiar to them (and made them successful), just as most attractive girls will do likewise. Another factor to consider is that your typical Silicon Valley billionaire is not just a nerd but also a rebel. Being a rebel means that they never really cared about being “popular” in the ways that normal people conceive of popularity. Sure, they like money because everyone likes money, but you’re not really going to see them spending it the way someone on Wall Street would (this is where some of the non-rebel nerds end up)
All this means is that the tech nerds and the beautiful babes don’t get a chance to meet, hence they don't marry. Consider that Bill Gates only dated one woman in his life, who he ended up marrying, and he was already in his 30’s going-on 40, and the woman who became his wife was a Microsoft employee.
When you start seeing more attractive girls becoming nerd groupies in general, I predict you’ll see more of the king nerds marrying them.
Because if you are smart enough to be a billionaire, you are certainly smart enough to know that there are many more important things than physical attractiveness.
I'm sure there will be some with beautiful wife's, the rest of them just weren't lucky enough to find all what they expect from a wife plus beauty. As simple as that, I'm sure they are not against beauty, but it's not easy to get the whole package. And beauty is not the top priority of course (and I agree with that)
because they don't have game
edit: sorry y'all but it's the truth and you know it
Because they are smart, they know that brain and beauty don’t always match.
The smartest kids in school are mostly the ugliest. And they know that “love and brain” have more value than looks.
Greddy man value his worth by showing off “for many things that isn’t his”. While smart man value “education, image (clean), honesty, chemistry…..” and they know that only those things can help them to have an happy relationship.
Marry someone you like, not someone for their looks.