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@fvictorio fvictorio released this 01 Feb 19:25

This is a beta version of Solhint 2.0. This is a major version change, with some breaking changes but also with a lot of new stuff.

The three main changes are:

  • Rules are disabled by default. This means that you have to explicitly enable each rule that you want.
  • Since enabling a lot of rules may be cumbersome, we also added shareable configs. These are npm packages that start with solhint-config- and that allow you to extend to configuration from another one, and also to share a configuration between different projects. You can learn more here.
  • We also added support for plugins. Similar to shareable configs, plugins are npm packages that start with solhint-plugin-. You can learn more about plugins here.

To try it, install solhint@next:

npm install -g solhint@next