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Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World

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In a series of mock lesson plans and a "program of study" Galeano provides an eloquent, passionate, funny and shocking exposé of First World privileges and assumptions. From a master class in "The Impunity of Power" to a seminar on "The Sacred Car"—with tips along the way on "How to Resist Useless Vices" and a declaration of the "The Right to Rave"—he surveys a world unevenly divided between abundance and deprivation, carnival and torture, power and helplessness.

We have accepted a "reality" we should reject, he writes, one where poverty kills, people are hungry, machines are more precious than humans, and children work from dark to dark. In the North, we are fed on a diet of artificial need and all made the same by things we own; the South is the galley slave enabling our greed.

358 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1998

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About the author

Eduardo Galeano

132 books3,429 followers
Eduardo Galeano was a Uruguayan journalist, writer and novelist. His best known works are Memoria del fuego (Memory of Fire Trilogy, 1986) and Las venas abiertas de América Latina (Open Veins of Latin America, 1971) which have been translated into twenty languages and transcend orthodox genres: combining fiction, journalism, political analysis, and history.

The author himself has proclaimed his obsession as a writer saying, "I'm a writer obsessed with remembering, with remembering the past of America above all and above all that of Latin America, intimate land condemned to amnesia."

He has received the International Human Rights Award by Global Exchange (2006) and the Stig Dagerman Prize (2010).

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Profile Image for Glenn Russell.
1,424 reviews12.4k followers
January 19, 2022

Eduardo Galeano’s Open Veins of Latin America describing 500 years of brutalization and exploitation of the peoples, lands and resources of Latin America by Europeans and North Americans makes for tough reading.

On the other hand, Upside Down, A Primer for the Looking-Glass World takes hard-to-swallow subjects such as racism, sexism, corporate manipulation, government betrayal, workplace dehumanization, brainwashing of children, environmental poisoning, systematic jailing, torture and murder and treats these subjects alternately with laugh-out-loud black humor, out-and-out sarcasm, and sharp steely needles of cynicism. Tell us what you really think, Eduardo! Modern culture and society as a bushel basket of rotten apples.

Here’s a sample of some of those most rotten –- and, I’ve linked a few words of my own experience tasting these unfresh fruit.

The first chapter deals with education, which makes abundant sense since that is how we begin our human odyssey, as children imbibing our culture’s values. Galeano writes, “The looking glass world trains us to view our neighbor as a threat, not a promise. It condemns us to solitude and consoles us with chemical drugs and cybernetic friends. We are sentenced to die of hunger, fear, or boredom – that is, if a stray bullet doesn’t do the job first.”

Fortunately, I grew up in a shore town where I spent many hours swimming and diving at the beach and surfing at the ocean. One thing I could never figure out: why were all the kids I knew armed to the teeth with cap guns, water guns, pop guns and even BB guns. When many of those same kids grew up and were sent to Vietnam, I started figuring it out.

In Eduardo’s chapter: Racism and Sexism 101, we read, “In the Americas and Europe the police hunt stereotypes guilty of wearing an unconcealed face. Every nonwhite suspect confirms the rule written in invisible ink in the depths of our collective conscience: crime is black or brown, or at least yellow.”

I witnessed a white mass exodus fleeing North New Jersey for Central New Jersey after the 1967 Newark race riots. If you live in the US, there isn’t a hotter hot potato than race, both back then and now. When it comes to race, all you have to do is rub people the wrong way ever so slightly and an avalanche of anger and rage can pour out.

One of personal favorite chapters: The Sacred Car. Eduardo begins by saying, “Human rights pale beside the rights of machines. Automobiles usurp human space, poison the air, and frequently murder the interlopers who invade their conquered territory – and no one lifts a finger to stop them.”

Ain’t that the truth! Being a walker myself as a kid and adult, I’ve had an entire lifetime of playing dodgeball with cars. But I must admit one good thing: other than the occasional dog-owner walking doggie, I have the sidewalks pretty much to myself. Men and women in the US taking on the role of ‘the inside people’; in other words, padding from home to car to work to car to shopping mall to car back to home. An entire population of ass-ploppers, plopping posterior cheeks in front of the TV, at the computer, at the dinner table, at one’s desk at work, and, of course, behind the wheel of one’s car. The automobile as the noisy, dirty glue fitting all the pieces together. And, God forbid, if anybody has any doubts, check out the flood of TV commercials: an unending stream of handsome, happy men and beautiful, sexy women driving sleek, shiny new automobiles. Good times in the land of plenty.

On Commercialization and Brainwashing,, we read, “Hours spent in front of the television easily surpass those spent in the classroom, when hours are spent in the classroom at all. It is a universal truth that, with our without school, TV programs are children’s primary source of formation, information, and deformation, as well as their principal source of topics for conversation.”

As a boy I lived in a small house where the TV was king. My only escape was going off to college. As an adult I’ve never been a TV watcher. I suspect a good measure of my modest success in creative endeavors results from freeing myself from the boob tube. Come to think of it, why do I no longer hear people calling that silly thing the boob tube or the idiot box?

“The number of unemployment keeps on growing. The world has more and more surplus people. What will the owners of the planet do with so much useless humanity? Send them to the moon? . . . In Mexico, work is the only commodity whose price goes down every month. Over the past twenty years, a good part of the middle class has fallen into poverty and the poor have fallen into misery, and the miserable have fallen off the charts.”

If anybody reading this has a steady job with good pay and adequate benefits, count your blessings. But, as you are counting, reflect: is your job empowering you to express the full flower of your creative energies, or is it just a tad deadening?

I’ll let Eduardo have the last word here. He writes toward the end of his book, “Every day, the ruling system places our worst characteristics at center stage, condemning our best to languish behind the backdrop. The system of power is not in the least eternal. We may be badly made, but we’re not finished, and it’s the adventure of changing reality and changing ourselves that makes our blip in the history of the universe worthwhile, this fleeting warmth between two glaciers that is us.”

Profile Image for BlackOxford.
1,095 reviews69k followers
December 15, 2021
In Memoriam

Just as I was finishing this book today, my closest friend, David, succumbed to the virus at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. The two events - completing the book and David’s death - reinforced the simple reality that there is no cure for the human condition. We are bound together by the facts of suffering and death, something we may only be aware of during a crisis such as the one we are now experiencing collectively. And isn’t this condition, as Galeano writes, paradoxical in the extreme? As we are compelled to distance ourselves from one another, we become closer. Perhaps, therefore, his hope can infect us all: “the despairing shall be paired and the lost shall be found, for they are the ones who despaired and lost their way from so much lonely seeking.” David had devoted his entire life to this same hope.
February 10, 2021
Ένας κόσμος ανάποδα είναι ο κόσμος που όταν τον έφτιαξε κάποιος Θεός όλο και κάποιο κομματάκι του περίσσευε και το πέταγε στην άβυσσο.
Όλα τα υπολείμματα της δημιουργίας ήταν εκεί πεταμένα.
Αυτός ο κάποιος Θεός ήταν πολύ ξεχασιάρης και μετά την δημιουργία της φύσης και της υπερφυσικής μεταφύσης μέσα στη θολούρα και την αφηρημάδα του ξέχασε να δημιουργήσει τον άνδρα και τη γυναίκα.

Οπότε το ερωτικό ζευγάρι με κάθε ιδιότητα ή και χωρίς καμία ιδιότητα φτιάχτηκε απο μόνο του.
Εκεί κάτω, πολύ κάτω στα αβυσσαλέα βάθη των υπολειμμάτων της Γένεσης !... δημιουργήθηκε
ο άνδρας και η γυναίκα απο μόνοι τους, με ό,τι είχε πετάξει ο Θεός ως περισσεύματα.
Εμείς οι άνθρωποι επομένως έχουμε φτιαχτεί απο τα σκουπίδια, γεννηθήκαμε απο τα Απορρίμματα, και γι’ αυτό, όλοι, έχουμε κάτι απο τον Ήλιο και τη Σελήνη και είμαστε όλοι χρόνος ( άχρονος-συμπαντικός) και χώμα και νερό και δυνατός αγέρας που φυσάει και χτυπάει τα παραθυρόφυλλα στα σπίτια μας για τις αξέχαστες, ωραίες αμαρτίες μας.

Ηλιοβασιλέματα στα τέλη του 20ου αιώνα ,
ένας αιώνας κατάκοπος, μολυσμένος, άρρωστος, βρόμικος, βιασμένος, βασανισμένος και αξιολύπητος βρίσκεται μεταξύ φθοράς και αφθαρσίας με την ζυγαριά να κλίνει προς το μέρος της παγκοσμιοποίησης, της βιομηχανικής δηλητηρίασης, της πανίσχυρης και ατιμώρητης οικουμενικής εξουσίας, της κερδοσκοπίας εις βάρος ανθρώπινων βιοψυχολογικών λειτουργειών κατάλληλων για την συνέχιση του είδους με όσο το δυνατόν λιγότερες απώλειες !...αισθήσεων, παθήσεων και παραισθήσεων.

«Δηλητηριασμένο είναι το χώμα που ριζώσουμε ή θα ξεριζωθούμε.
Δεν υπάρχει αέρας μόνο δυσαρέσκεια.
Δεν υπάρχει βροχή, παρά μόνο όξινη βροχή.
Δεν υπάρχουν πάρκα, παρά μόνο πάρκινγκ.
Δεν υπάρχουν πια κοινωνικοί εταίροι παρά μόνο ανώνυμες εταιρίες.
Εταιρίες στη θέση των εθνών.
Καταναλωτές στη θέση των πολιτών.
Πολεοδομικά συγκροτήματα αντί για πόλεις.
Δεν υπάρχουν άνθρωποι παρά μόνο κοινό.
Δεν υπάρχουν σχέσεις, μόνο δημόσιες σχέσεις.
Δεν υπάρχουν οράματα, μόνο τηλεοράσεις.
Για να εκθειάσουμε ένα λουλούδι θα λέμε : Τι ωραίο που είναι, σαν πλαστικό».

Δεν θα μάθουμε ίσως ποτέ πως φτιάχτηκε ο κόσμος, πως δημιουργήθηκε η πλάση, πως οργανώθηκε με απόλυτους νόμους η φύση και πως η δύναμη της αρχίζει και δεν τελειώνει ποτέ και πουθενά ανάμεσα και πάνω στα αιθέρια νεφελώματα, στα μετεωρολογικά και στα σύμπαντα των πολλών αιώνων που διαμορφώνουν γήινους και εξωγήινους μετανάστες με υπερφυσικές δυνάμεις ή με ειδικές ικανότητες να αναπαράγονται σε ανθρωποειδή όντα που χωρίζονται ταξικά, κοινωνικά, πολιτικά, σωματικά και πνευματικά αναλόγως την Θεία χάρη, την αιτιοκρατική τύχη, την αναίτια επικινδυνότητα της ατυχίας, την αμοιβάδα που απέχει έτη φωτός απο τον οίκο δημιουργίας δίποδων και τετράποδων μοντέλων, μοντέλων με ρίζες, φτερά ή λέπια κάποιου κατασκευαστικού εταίρου που στον πλανήτη γη έχει τα εχέγγυα του απόλυτου, του απρόσιτου, του αλάνθαστου,του δίκαιου τιμωρού, του αγαθού πατέρα αγγέλων και δαιμόνων, του δυνάστη της κόλασης , του ιδιόκτητη του παραδείσου, του επονομαζόμενου Θεού των πάντων.
Των πάντων με την ατομική βούληση και τη συλλογική ενδεδειγμένη θέληση για συσσώρευση παντοδυναμίας και προσπάθεια εξομοίωσης με τον δημιουργό, με το άγνωστο, το ανοίκειο, το απροσδόκητο και το τετελεσμένο. Αυτό το πλασματικά, πνευματικά και ομοίως εικονικά νοήμων γέννημα που όταν θέλει να δει την αμφισβητούμενη πραγματικότητα σβήνει τα φώτα του πλανήτη, του χώρου και χρόνου της ανθρώπινης ράτσας που μεγαλουργεί και αυτοκαταστρέφεται με μια απίστευτη ικανότητα να απεμπολεί τις ιδιότητες!..και να εκμεταλλεύεται τις πιθανότητες ανάμεσα σε επιστήμη και θρησκεία.
Α��άμεσα σε θέατρα μνήμης και παραστάσεις κωμικής αρχαίας τραγωδίας, με ηθοποιούς που δραματουργούν τροποποιημένες ματιές, δάκρυα χαράς , χαμόγελα μοναξιάς, γέλια πιστωμένης και πιστοποιημένης δυστ��χίας, αναπνοές αναπαραγωγής , αγγίγματα που χαϊδέυουν τη λήθη ως προαπαιτούμενο ύπαρξης και λόγια που πονούν την ψυχή και εμπορεύονται τις αισθήσεις.
Ο Γκαλεάνο έγραψε αριστουργηματικά το εγχειρίδιο της μοίρας του ανάποδου, του δύστροπου, του αταίριαστου, του άνομου, του άβουλου και άβολου, του διαφορετικού, του δυσάρεστου, του κακού, του άσχημου, του κακοποιημένου και φτωχού απο κάθε έκφανση, του παραπλανημένου και τοξικού, του παραγωγικού και ανθεκτικού πλαστικού και δηλητηριασμένου , του εξελιγμένου και πραγματικά εικονικού, διαφημισμένου και έντονα ψυχασθενή, απονενοημένου ή προφανώς του κοινώς απαράδεκτα συνηθισμένου κόσμου.

“Τι μας άφησε ο κόσμος; Ένας έρημος, αχαλίνωτος κόσμος, που ασκεί τη δεισιδαιμονική λατρεία των μηχανών και την ειδωλολατρία των όπλων, έναν ανάποδα κόσμο με τον αριστερό του στα δεξιά του, το κουμπί της κοιλιάς στην πίσω πλευρά του”.

Ο Γκαλεάνο με καυστικό λόγο και επίμονη ματιά
μας δείχνει τον τρίτο κόσμο μέσα απο τους καθρέφτες και τα οπτικά βοηθήματα της όρασης του πρώτου κόσμου, του πολιτισμένου, του κυρίαρχου.
«Μια παράνομη βιομηχανία θανάτου εξυπηρετεί έτσι τη νομική βιομηχανία του θανάτου».
Ο Γκαλεάνο φέρνει έναν σχεδόν δυϊσμό στο εκκρεμές του χρόνου, του χρόνου, που κοροϊδεύει τα έμβια όντα υποδυόμενος σαδιστικά τον ορισμό και την λειτουργεία του, βάσει των ανθρώπινων εφευρέσεων για την μέτρηση και τον υπολογισμό του.
Επίσης δημιουργεί εμπλοκή αποτυπώνοντας με άπλετο λυρισμό στον λόγο του τα γραπτά εγχειρίδια που ελλοχεύουν αποκαλυπτικές συμφορές στα χρηματιστήρια, τον καπιταλισμό, την ανεργία, τα πυρηνικά όπλα.
Το βιβλίο του μιλάει με μια ανατριχιαστικά ηθική σαφήνεια για τα τα παιδιά του δρόμου της Βραζιλίας, τα περισσότερα από οκτώ εκατομμύρια παιδιά που εγκαταλείφθηκαν σε ολόκληρη τη Λατινική Αμερική ... από το Διαδίκτυο έως την Ιντερπόλ, και την CIA των εξωγήινων κρουσμάτων αντιμετώπισης,
από την ανεπάρκεια της τηλεόρασης, ως τον κατάλογο των εγκλημάτων ανά την υφήλιο, μπορεί απλά και ωραία να κάνει εισβολή στο μυαλό του αναγνώστη για να φυτέψει μέσα τα μοσχεύματα του ιδεαλισμού του.

Έχεις αυτοκίνητο, τηλεόραση, ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή; Έχεις εισοδήματα απο μια καλά αμειβόμενη δουλειά στο Βορρά (δυτικά) του πλανήτη μας;
Έχεις ο,τι αναπαράγει το σύστημα της εξελιγμένης νέας οικονομίας, των διαφημίσεων, των πολυεθνικών εταιριών και κάθε είδος πλαστικού φαγητού ;
Έχεις πάρει ποτέ ναρκωτικά, έχεις αγοράσει κάτι που προσφέρεται στην καταναλωτική μας κουλτούρα;
Εάν ναι, τότε πρέπει να διαβάσεις αυτό το βιβλίο.
Ο Galeano συγκεντρώνει όλα όσα ήδη γνωρίζετε, και πολλά που πιθανώς δεν γνωρίζετε για την αδικία και την ανισότητα του κόσμου μας, το γράφει ως ποιητική πολεμική και αφήνει τον αναγνώστη να σχηματίσει τη δική του άποψη σχετικά με τα γεγονότα που βρίσκονται μπροστά του, εάν θέλει να ξεβολευτεί και να κοιτάξει ενδελεχώς και απαρεγκλίτως με μια πιο μαρξιστική ματιά,μια ματιά της (μικρό) αστικής τάξης που καλλιέργησε κάπως τον πνευματικό κόσμο και υπόκοσμο.
Το πόνημα τούτο είναι εύγλωττο, έντονο και ποιητικό αποτρέποντας την ρητορική μίσους για τους λίγους που έχουν τα πολλά και τους πολλούς που έχουν τα λίγα ή τίποτα απο λίγο.

« Όσοι έχουμε θέληση για δικαιοσύνη και ομορφιά θα είμαστε όλοι αδέλφια, όποτε κι αν έχουμε γεννηθεί, όπου κι αν έχουμε ζήσει, χωρίς να χρειαστεί να αλλάξουμε καθόλου τα σύνορα του κόσμου.
Η τελειότητα θα εξακολουθήσει να είναι το βαρετό προνόμιο των θεών, όμως, σ’αυτόν τον όμορφο αλλά και ΓΑΜΗΜΕΝΟ κόσμο, θα ζούμε την κάθε νύχτα σαν να ‘ναι η τελευταία και την κάθε μέρα σαν να ‘ναι η πρώτη μας.

Καλή ανάγνωση
Πολλούς και σεμνούς ασπασμούς.

Profile Image for Angie .
272 reviews50 followers
February 19, 2022
"Παρά το ότι είμαστε φτιαγμένοι από κακή πάστα, δεν έχουμε ακόμη τελειώσει. Κι αν κάτι μας κάνει να αξίζουμε, εμάς που είμαστε μια αναλαμπή στην ιστορία του σύμπαντος....ειναι αυτή η πρόκληση να αλλάξουμε τα πράγματα και να αλλάξουμε και εμείς οι ίδιοι"

Ο Εντουάρντο Γκαλεάνο, εξορισμένος από το δικτατορικό καθεστώς της Ουρουγουάης, μας ξαναστέλνει με "μαγικό" τρόπο στο "σχολείο" μαθαίνοντάς μας από την αρχή τον κόσμο "ανάποδα". Καταγγέλλει,καταδικάζει και καυτηριάζει, άλλοτε με χιούμορ,άλλοτε με σκληρό τρόπο, κάθε κοινωνική,πολιτική, οικονομική αδικία και εκμετάλλευση. Και αν νομίζεις πως τα γραφόμενά του αφορούν μόνο τις ,ξεχασμένες από τον Θεό, χώρες της Λατινικής Αμερικής ή της Αφρικής, κι εσένα άνθρωπε και πολίτη του σύγχρονου δυτικού κόσμου δεν σε αγγίζουν, τότε λυπάμαι αλλά πλανάσαι. Άνοιξε τώρα τις σελίδες του και σου υπόσχομαι πως θα γίνεις έστω και λίγο καλύτερος άνθρωπος και συνάνθρωπος, καλύτερος γονιός για τα παιδιά σου, καλύτερο παιδί για τους γονείς σου, καλύτερος φίλος, καλύτερος αδερφός...

Τέλος, αν νομίζεις πως πρόκειται για ακόμη ένα βαρετό πολιτικό δοκίμιο και ίσως διστάζετε να το ξεκινήσεις τότε κάνεις λάθος. Η γραφή του Γκαλεάνο είναι τόσο βαθιά λυρική και συναισθηματικά φορτισμένη που νιώθεις πως διαβάζεις τις πιο σκληρές αλήθειες του κόσμου όλου, μέσα από ένα προφητικό "παραμύθι" ευκολοδιάβαστο και απόλυτα κατανοητό.

"Τα χρόνια πέρασαν, ο αιώνας πεθαίνει.Τί είδους κόσμο αφήνει πίσω του; Έναν κόσμο ξεψυχισμένο που ζει με τη δεισιδαιμονία των μηχανών και λατρεύει τα όπλα: έναν κόσμο ανάποδα,όπου τα αριστερά είναι δεξιά,ο αφαλός στην πλάτη και το κεφάλι στα πόδια"
Profile Image for Μαρία .
53 reviews31 followers
June 14, 2020
Εξαιρετικό βιβλίο! Όλες οι αλήθειες στο φως...
Profile Image for Joselito Honestly and Brilliantly.
755 reviews366 followers
October 2, 2013
This goes on and on and on and on about what is wrong with the world today, and yesterday, and its grim prospects tomorrow, the seeming hopelessness of the future so that there was a point where I felt I couldn't take it anymore, shocked that I live in this planet, and looked at my two children as mistakes. I felt my whole being weakening, like I was in an onset of a fatal food poisoning that will lead to my death in a couple of hours.

A world turned upside down. A relentless, cruel oration explaining why I live in hell. Then, towards the end, the flagellation abruptly ends and my tormentor announces that he might, probably, allow me and my family to live after all in "another possible world" where--

" *the air shall be cleansed of all poisons except those born of human fears and human passions;

* in the streets, cars shall be run over by dogs;

* people shall not be driven by cars, or programmed by computers, or bought by supermarkets, or watched by televisions;

* the TV set shall no longer be the most important member of the family and shall be treated like an iron or a washing machine;

* people shall work for a living instead of living for work:

* written into law shall be the crime of stupidity, committed by those who live to have or to win, instead of living just to live like the bird that sings without knowing it and the child who plays unaware that he or she is playing:

* in no country shall young men who refuse to go to war go to jail, rather only those who want to make war;

* economists shall not measure living standards by consumption levels or the quality of life by the quantity of things;

*cooks shall not believe that lobsters love to be boiled alive;

* historians shall not believe that countries love to be invaded;

* politicians shall not believe that the poor love to eat promises;

* earnestness shall no longer be a virtue, and no one shall be taken seriously who can't make fun of himself;

* death and money shall lose their magical powers, and neither demise or fortune shall make a virtuous gentleman of a rat;

* no one shall be considered a hero or a fool for doing what he believes is right instead of what serves him best;

* the world shall wage war not on the poor but rather on poverty, and the arms industry shall have no alternative but to declare bankruptcy;

* food shall not be a commodity nor shall communications be a business, because food and communications are human rights;

* no one shall die of hunger, because no one shall die from overeating;

* street children shall not be treated like garbage, because there shall be no street children;

* rich kids shall not be treated like gold, because there shall be no rich kids;

* education shall not be the privilege of those who can pay;

* the police shall not be the curse of those who cannot pay;

* justice and liberty, Siamese twins condemned to live apart, shall meet again and be united, back to back;

* there will no longer be censorship and paid reviews at goodreads for here liberty shall meet his sister honesty and be reunited with her too;

* the Church, holy mother, shall correct the typos on the tablets of Moses and the Sixth Commandment shall dictate the celebration of the body;

* the Church shall also proclaim another commandment, the one God forgot: You shall love nature, to which you belong;

* clothed with forests shall be the deserts of the world and of the soul;

* the despairing shall be paired and the lost shall be found, for they are the ones who despaired and lost their way from so much lonely seeking;

* we shall be compatriots and contemporaries of all who have a yearning for justice and beauty, no matter where they were born or when they lived, because borders of geography and time shall cease to exist;

* perfection shall remain the boring privilege of the gods, while in our bungling, messy world every night shall be lived as if it were the last and every day as if it were the first."

I tell you, if you read this after you've read what comes before it you might tear up a little.
Profile Image for Annetius.
330 reviews105 followers
December 20, 2019
Τρομερό. Είναι τρομερό αυτό που διάβασα. Ο Galeano, νηφάλιος μάρτυρας της εποχής του που δε χαρίζει κάστανο σε κανέναν, έβγαλε τον ευρυγώνιο φακό του σωστό μαστίγιο και έκανε ζουμ σε όλα τα κακώς κείμενα αυτού του κόσμου που πίνει νερό στο όνομα του δυτικού "πολιτισμού", αυτού του συστήματος που τσακίζει κάθε πικραμένο, ποδοπατά κάθε αδύναμο και πορεύεται με την αδικία για σημαία. Τόσο πυκνογραμμένο βιβλίο, που κάθε πρότασή του σου καίει το μυαλό και που κάνοντας την άρρωστη σκέψη ότι ��ν το είχε γράψει ο Σαραμάγκου -χωρίς τελείες, χωρίς ανάσα- θα πέθαινα ακόμα χειρότερα από το άγχος. Δεν έπεσα από τα σύννεφα με αυτά που διάβασα, ωστόσο το να διαβάζεις όλες αυτές τις δυστυχίες μαζεμένες, δεν περνάει στο ντούκου. Ήθελα να τελειώσει! Ήθελα κάπως να λυτρωθώ! Και φτάνοντας στις τελευταίες καθαρτήριες σελίδες, σαν την ηρεμία μετά την καταιγίδα, ρουφούσα τις μύξες μου από ανακούφιση, ξεπλένοντας με ελπίδα την ταραχή που μάζεψα σε όλες τις σελίδες. Πάντα θα πιστεύω στο όνειρο ενός καλύτερου κόσμου, πάντα θα πιστεύω στη δύναμη του ανθρώπου, στα ψήγ��ατα ανθρωπιάς που σίγουρα έχει εγγενώς μέσα του φυλαγμένα. Κι ας μην πιστεύω..
Αυτό ήταν ένα πολύ πολύ σημαντικό βιβλίο.
Profile Image for Eliasdgian.
430 reviews118 followers
December 31, 2016
Ο ανεστραμμένος κόσμος του Eduardo Galeano δεν είναι άλλος από τον κόσμο γύρω μας, όπου οι διακρίσεις είναι ο κανόνας, ο άνθρωπος αξιολογείται με κριτήριο το χρώμα, τη φυλή και το φύλο του, οι γυναίκες, οι έγχρωμοι, οι ιθαγενείς ινδιάνοι και όλοι όσοι διαφέρουν από το στερεότυπο του 'λευκού δυτικού ανδρός' είναι απλά βιολογικά κατώτεροι ή αποτελούν απειλή, όπου ακόμη κι ένας Βολταίρος (ναι, αυτός, ο αντικληρικιστής συγγραφέας, ο υπέρμαχος της ανεκτικότητας και της λογικής) φαίνεται να είχε πει: "Οι μαύροι είναι κατώτεροι από τους Ευρωπαίους αλλά ανώτεροι από τους πιθήκους". Στον αναποδογυρισμένο μας κόσμο ο φόβος διδάσκεται, καλλιεργείται, τίθεται στην υπηρεσία του κέρδους. Η υποχρεωτική υπακοή νομοθετείται και η καταστροφή του περιβάλλοντος γίνεται συνήθεια. Αυτός ο κόσμος καταγγέλλεται και η φωνή του συγγραφέα ηχεί εκκωφαντική. Τριακόσιες εβδομήντα τρεις σελίδες ωδή στον άνθρωπο, τη γυναίκα, τους ιθαγενείς, τους μαύρους, τα χαμίνια και τους κάθε λογής 'αναλώσιμους'. Δηλώνω παραπάνω από ευτυχής που το φευγιό του παλιού και το έμπα του νέου έτους με βρίσκει διαβάζοντας ένα ακόμη βιβλίο του παγκόσμιου Ουρουγουανού, του 'ποιητή της μνήμης' και της καρδιάς.
Profile Image for Islam Ahmed.
415 reviews51 followers
October 30, 2022
غاليانو هو واحد من أهم كتاب أمريكا اللاتينية
روائي وكاتب ليس فقط يهمه أمر الأوروجواي موطنه الأصلي
لكنه يؤرخ لقارة بأكملها ، فتراه ينتقد فساد أمريكا الجنوبية بأكمله
كتاب مخيف بشكل كبير، كتب سنة 98 وعند قرائته تشعر أنه كتب بالأمس وهذا إن دل على شئ يدل على رؤية وعبقريى غاليانو..

[image error]
Profile Image for Cande.
1,047 reviews191 followers
July 16, 2015
Estoy empezando a considerar a Galeano como autor favorito. Tercer libro que leo de él en el año y vuelve a dejarme con la boca abierta. Escribe tan precioso (llené el libro de post-it) y te parte el corazón en mil pedazos. ¿De verdad todas estas cosas horribles pasaron, de verdad siguen pasando? Aunque sí admito que la última parte se me hizo ya medio repetitiva y un poco cansadora, pero es una lectura para tomarse con calma y leer con pañuelos a mano. Vamos por más del autor.

"Desde los tiempos de la conquista y de la esclavitud, a los indios y a los negros les han robado los brazos y las tierras, la fuerza de trabajo y la riqueza; y también la palabra y la memoria."

"Dios, distraído, se olvidó de crear a la mujer y al hombre, y la mujer y el hombre no tuvieron más remedio que hacerse a sí mismos. Y allí, en el fondo del abismo, en el basural, la mujer y el hombre se crearon con las sobras de Dios. Los seres humanos hemos nacido de la basura, y por eso todos tenemos algo de día y algo de noche, y somos todos tiempo y tierra y agua y viento."

"Más que en los museos, donde la pobre se aburre, la memoria está en el aire que respiramos; y ella, desde el aire, nos respira."

"En lengua castellana decimos, cuando se nos ocurre decir que tenemos esperanza: abrigamos esperanza. Linda expresión, lindo desafío: abrigarla, para que ella no se nos muera de frío en estas implacables intemperies de los tiempos que corren."
Profile Image for Kitap.
784 reviews35 followers
April 24, 2011
As other reviewers have noted, Galeano doesn't provide footnotes to back up his assertions, which makes this book a rant and not a treatise. It is a breathtaking rant, though, with language as beautiful as the world it describes is ugly. Plus, Galeano does provide a list of sources at the end, if the reader needs further convincing that Galeano's description of the "Looking-Glass world" is spot-on.

Here are some of Galeano's own words:

The "killer instinct" is an essential ingredient for getting ahead, a human virtue when it helps large companies digest small and strong countries devour weak but proof of bestiality when some jobless guy goes around with a knife in his fist. (6)

The world economy is the most efficient expression of organized crime. The international bodies that control currency, trade, and credit practice international terrorism against poor countries, and against the poor of all countries, with a cold-blooded professionalism that would make the best of the bomb throwers blush. (6)

The looking-glass school teaches us to suffer reality, not to change it; to forget the past, not learn from it; to accept the future, not invent it. In its halls of learning, impotence, amnesia, and resignation are required courses. (8)

What schools and media teach as the only possible way of remembering the past simply passes on the voices that repeat the boring litany of power's self-sacralization. Exoneration requires unremembering. (34)

No judge can send a global system to jail for killing by hunger, but a crime is a crime even when it's carried out as the most normal thing in the world. (154)

Just as "smart bombs" killed Iraqis in the Gulf war without anyone except the dead finding out, 'smart money' earns 40 percent profits without anyone finding out how. (157)

The development of technology leads not to more free time or freedom, only to more unemployment and fear. (164)

Saving the environment is turning out to be the most brilliant enterprise of the very companies that are destroying it. (191)

Inequality before the law lies at the root of real history, but official history is written by oblivion, not memory. We know all about this in Latin America, where exterminators of Indians and traffickers in slaves have their statues in city plazas, while streets and avenues tend to bear the names of those who stole the land and looted the public purse. (201)

Impunity is crime's reward, openly promoting and encouraging more of the same. And when the criminal who has raped, robbed, tortured, and murdered without answering to anyone happens to be the state, a green light is flashed to all of society to rape, rob, torture, and kill. The same society that uses punishment like a scarecrow to frighten criminals at the bottom rewards them at the top with a lifetime get-out-of-jail-free card. (207)

Can anyone really argue with these last two quotes after watching the banksters on Wall Street destroy the global economy, and then give themselves record bonuses, free from any oversight or prosecution?
No matter how much they burn it, break it, and lie about it, human history refuses to shut its mouth. Despite deafness and ignorance, the time that was continues to tick inside the time that is. The right to remember does not figure among the human rights consecrated by the United Nations, but now more than ever we must insist on it and act on it....When it's truly alive, memory doesn't contemplate history, it invites us to make it. (210)

Impunity is the child of bad memory. (211)

If we behave ourselves, it will come to pass. We will all see the same images and hear the same sounds and wear the same clothes and eat the same hamburgers and enjoy the same solitude in our houses all alike in neighborhoods all alike in cities all alike where we will all breathe the same garbage and serve our cars with the same devotion and carry out the orders of the same machines in a world that will be marvelous for all who have no legs or wings or roots. (233)

Like so many other symbols of consumer society, cars belong to a minority whose habits are parlayed into universal truths, obliging the rest of us to see cars as the only possible extension of the human body. (241)

Modernization, motorization: the roar of traffic drowns out the chorus of voices denouncing civilization's sleight of hand that steals our freedom, then sells it back to us, that cuts off our legs to make us buy running machines. (243)

The consuming masses take orders in a language that is universal; advertising has achieved what Esperanto could not. (257)

Free time, time imprisoned: the homes of the very poor have no beds, but they have TVs and the TV has the floor. Bought on credit, this little beast is proof of the democratic nature of progress. It listens to no one but speaks for all. Poor and rich alike thus learn the virtues of the latest car, and poor and rich alike discover the favorable interest rates offered by one bank or another. (257)

I've always heard that money can't buy happiness, but every poor TV viewer has ample grounds for believing money can buy something so close to happiness that the difference can be left to specialists. (259)

The global mass media have set the price of freedom of expression in the clouds; the opinionated, who have the right to listen, are ever more numerous, while the opinionators, who have the right to make themselves heard, are ever fewer. (276)

Technological diversity is said to be democratic diversity. Technology places images, words, and music within the reach of all, as never before. But this marvel becomes a dirty trick if private monopoly ends up imposing a one-image, one-word, one-tune dictatorship. (278)

In their speeches politicians are prepared to die for education, and in their acts they proceed to kill it... (293)

In the name of justice, so-called socialism had sacrificed freedom. The symmetry is revealing: in the name of freedom, capitalism sacrifices justice day in, day out. Are we obliged to kneel before one of these two altars? Those of us who believe that injustice is not our immutable fate have no reason to identify with the despotism of a minority that denied freedom, was accountable to no one, treated people as children, and saw unity as unanimity and diversity as treason. (318)

In the language of Castile, when we want to say we have hope, we say we shelter hope. A lovely expression, a challenge: to shelter her so she won't die of the cold in the bitter climate of these times. (320)

Truth lies in the voyage, not the port....Living wherever, living however, living whenever, each person contains many possible persons. Every day, the ruling system places our worst characteristics at center stage, condemning our best to languish behind the backdrop. The system of power is not in the least eternal. We may be badly made, but we're not finished, and it's the adventure of changing reality and changing ourselves that makes our blip in the history of the universe worthwhile, this fleeting warmth between two glaciers that is us. (329)

If the world is upside down the way it is now, wouldn't we have to turn it over to get it to stand up straight? (337)
Profile Image for Dimitris Hall.
383 reviews57 followers
August 7, 2016
Η ανάπτυξη
Μια γέφυρα δίχως ποτάμι.
Ψηλές προσόψεις κτιρίων δίχως τίποτε από πίσω.
Ο κηπουρός ποτίζει το πλαστικό γρασίδι.
Κυλιόμενες σκάλες που δεν οδηγούν πουθενά.
Ο αυτοκινητόδρομς που μας δίνει τη δυνατότητα να γνωρίσουμε τόπους, που εξαιτίας του έχουν καταστραφεί.
Η οθόνη της τηλέορασης δείχνει μια τηλεοπτική συσκεύη που περιέχει μιαν άλλη τηλεοπτική συσκευή μέσα στην οποία υπάρχει μια τηλεοπτική συσκευή.

Ο ήλιος δύει στα τέλη του αιώνα
Είναι δηλητηριασμένο το χώμα που θα μας σκεπάσει ή θα μας εξορίσει.
Δεν υπάρχει πια αέρας, παρα μόνο δυσαρέσκεια.
Δεν υπάρχει πια βροχή, παρα μόνο όξινη βροχή.
Δεν υπάρχουν πια πάρκα, παρα μόνο parkings (εκτός από το πάρκο στη Ναυαρίνου).
Δεν υπάρχουν πια κοινωνίες, παρα μόνο ανώνυμες εταιρίες.
Εταιρίες στη θέση των εθνών.
Καταναλωτές στη θέση των πολιτών.
Πολεοδομικές περιοχές αντί για πόλεις.
Δεν υπάρχουν άνθρωποι, παρα μόνο κοινό.
Δεν υπάρχει πραγματικότητα, παρα μόνο διαφήμιση.
Δεν υπάρχουν οράματα, παρα μόνο τηλεοράσεις.
Όταν θαυμάζουμε ένα λουλούδι συνήθως λέμε: «Τι ωραίο, είναι σαν πλαστικό».

Χάρτης της υδρογείου
Η γραμμή του ισημερινού δεν περνάει από τη μέση του χάρτη της υδρογείου που μας μάθαιναν στο σχολείο. Περισσότερο από μισό αιώνα πριν, ο Γερμανός εξερευνητής Άρνο Πέτερς παραδέχτηκε αυτό που όλοι έβλεπαν αλλά κανείς δεν έλεγε: ο βασιλιάς της γεωγραφίας ήταν γυμνός.
Ο χά��της της υδρογείου που μας δίδασκαν έδειχνε να είναι τα δύο τρίτα του κόσμου στο Βορρά και το ένα τρίτο στο Νότο. Στο χάρτη εκείνο, η Ευρώπη είναι μεγαλύτερη από τη Λατινική Αμερική, παρότι στην πραγματικότητα η Λατινική Αμερική έχει τη διπλάσια επιφάνεια από την Ευρώπη. Η Ινδία φαίνεται πιο μικρή από τη Σκανδιναβία, παρότι είναι τρεις φορές μεγαλύτερη. Οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και ο Καναδάς καταλαμβάνουν στο χάρτη περισσότερο χώρο από την Αφρική, ενώ στην πραγματικότητα μόλις και μετά βίας φτάνουν τα δύο τρίτα της αφρικανικής ηπείρου.
Ο χάρτης ψεύδεται. Η παραδοσιακή γεωγραφία κλέβει το χώρο, όπως η ιμπεριαλιστική οικονομία κλέβει τον πλούτο, όπως η επίσημη ιστορία κλέβει τη μνήμη και η τυπική κουλτούρα κλέβει το λόγο.

Ο εν λόγω χάρτης του Peters, με τις εκτάσεις χωρών και ηπείρων ακριβείς.

Διαβάζοντας αυτό το βιβλίο, δεν μπορούσα να σταματήσω να σημειώνω και να υπογραμμίζω. Κάθε δεύτερη αράδα είναι γεμάτη νόημα, συνδέσεις, αποκαλύψεις και θίξεις για το τι πραγματικά είναι ανάποδο στον κόσμο. Η ματιά του Ουρουγουανού συγγραφέα ξεκινάει από τη Λατινική Αμερική του 1998 και εξαπλώνεται σε όλο τον κόσμο, όταν τα πράγματα δεν φαινόντουσαν τόσο σκούρα όσο σήμερα κι ο κόσμος ακόμα ζούσε τη μετασοσιαλιστική μέθη. Σήμερα, θα μπορούσαμε κάλλιστα να αντικαταστήσουμε μερικά ονόματα μέσα στο κείμενο και αυτόματα οι ιστορίες του χρέους, του μίσους, της ληστείας και της αποχαύνωσης να μιλάνε για την Ελλάδα του 2013. Τίποτα δεν έχει αλλάξει στα χρόνια που μεσολάβησαν· μάλιστα, όσα θίγει ο Γκαλεάνο έχουν απλά ενταθεί και παγκοσμιοποιηθεί περισσότερα, οι αδικίες έχουν χτυπήσει νέες αποχρώσεις του κόκκινου κι αυτό κάνει το βιβλίο τόσο πιο επίκαιρο. Είναι πολύ πετυχημένο νομίζω ότι το βιβλίο τελειώνει με τις γραμμές: Ο συγγραφέας σταμάτησε το γράψιμο αυτού του βιβλίου τον Αύγουστο του 1998. Αν θέλετε να μάθετε τη συνέχεια να ακούτε, να βλέπετε και να διαβάζετε καθημερινά τις ειδήσεις.

Δεν είναι εύκολη ανάγνωση: κάθε κεφάλαιο είναι κι ένα χαστούκι, κάθε στοιχείο (το οποίο δυστυχώς δεν έρχεται με πηγές) άλλο ένα χτύπημα. Θα έλεγα ότι είναι μια εισαγωγή για την κατάσταση του σύγχρονου κόσμου, ένα εγχειρίδιο για την κοινωνική, περιβαλλοντική και πολιτιστική ανισορροπία παντού. Ο γλαφυρός τρόπος που γράφει ο Γκαλεάνο το κάνει ακόμα πιο πολύτιμο, τα μηνύματα που περνάει χτυπάνε πιο γερά.

Το τελευταίο κεφάλαιο τουλάχιστον είναι αισιόδοξο και λίγο ονειρ��πόλο. Προτιμώ να κρατήσω αυτό παρά να χαθώ στα υπόλοιπα απαισιόδοξα και φριχτά κεφάλαια, όσο καλά κι αν είναι για υπογράμμιση. Διαβάστε το εδώ. Επίσης online μπορείτε να βρείτε και άλλα αποσπάσματα του βιβλίου εδώ.

Profile Image for Eylül Görmüş.
503 reviews2,880 followers
August 6, 2022
Uruguaylı yazar Eduardo Galeano her zaman yaptığı gibi sistemimizin berbatlığını ve soydaşlarımızın gaddarlığını ortalığa saçıyor. Kült kitabı “Latin Amerika’nın Kesik Damarları” gibi burada da ağırlıklı olarak Latin Amerika’yı odağına alarak kapitalizm, iklim krizi, ırkçılık, cinsiyetçilik, sosyal adaletsizlik gibi başlıklar çerçevesinde yaşanmış öyküler anlatıyor. “Tepetaklak: Tersine Dünya Okulu” bir yandan oldukça sert bir kitap, bir yandan ise hiç değil çünkü zaten içinde var olmaya çalıştığımız dünyanın gerçeği bu. Yazarın kitabın sonunda dediği gibi: “Yazar bu kitabı yazmayı 1998 Ağustos’unda bitirdi. Devamını öğrenmek istiyorsanız her gün haberleri okuyun, dinleyin ya da seyredin.”

Baştan yanlış kurulmuş ve yanlış devam eden bir düzenin ipliğini pazara çıkarıyor Galeano. Arka arkaya kabus gibi olaylar anlattığı için okurken insan zaman zaman zorlanabiliyor ama bir yandan da belki tüm kabuslar böyle üzerine boca edilince daha iyi anlıyor insanın dünyanın çürümüşlüğünü. “Sosyal adaletsizlik ne düzeltilecek bir hata ne de aşılacak bir kusur: Sistemin temel ihtiyacı.” cümlesi anlatmaya çalıştığı şeyin özeti gibi.

Üniversitede siyaset bilimi okurken aldığımız dersleri hatırlattı bana kitaptaki pek çok bölüm, o nedenle bazı yerler çok tekrar geldi ama bu benim şahsi sorunum muhtemelen. Bir yandan da bilmediğim bir sürü tuhaf şey öğrendim – mesela Wall Street’in (Duvar Sokağı) adını, zamanında köleler kaçmasın diye tam olarak orada inşa edilen duvardan almış olması gibi. Ne ironi – yahut ne acayip bir tekerrür.

Biraz umutsuz, biraz dehşetengiz bir kitap bu ama kesinlikle tavsiye ediyorum. Galeano’nun aktardığı meçhul bir duvar yazısıyla da konuyu sonlandırıyorum: “Bütün yanıtları bulduğumuzda soruları değiştirdiler.”
Profile Image for محمد شفیعی.
Author 3 books108 followers
March 15, 2020
کتاب بدی نبود، اما تو این فضا کتابهای بهتری هم هست
قدیمی بودن و تمرکزش بر آمریکای لاتین ضعفش بود
اما میشه قدیمی بودن رو از طرفی قوت هم دونست، چون به نوعی پیش بینی این روزها رو کرده که ما توش هستیم، و میتونیم مقایسه ای داشته باشیم
ولی جامعیت مباحث و از سطح پایین تر رفتن و سعی در نزدیک شدن به ریشه ها، از نقاط قوتشه
Profile Image for Maria Olga Lectoraapasionada.
312 reviews112 followers
October 20, 2020
Esta escrito hace algunos años, pero esto esto sigue siendo la cruda realidad, una realidad materialista y creo que vamos a más e incluso a peor, cada vez con menos valores y con menos respeto ..
Profile Image for Anthi.
34 reviews20 followers
February 5, 2021
Ο καταγγελτικός τρόπος γραφής και η περιγραφή ενός κόσμου που οι ζωές των ανθρώπων δεν αξίζουν τίποτα όταν διακυβεύονται χρήματα και δύναμη(κάτι που φυσικά ισχύει), δε μου είπαν τίποτα καινούριο.
Profile Image for jeremy.
1,149 reviews273 followers
November 23, 2007
Journalist, historian, poet, author — there is no other writer whose style is comparable to that of Eduardo Galeano. The Uruguayan penner, best known for his acclaimed Memory of Fire trilogy, further indicts our culture of privilege in Upside Down. Comprised of a series of illuminating vignettes, Galeano, with his trademark wit, sarcasm, and adroit phrasings, turns his unerring critique onto the vapidity and shallowness of our modern world. Whether decrying violence, consumerism, ecological degradation, imperialism, or our car-obsessed culture, Galeano's humanity and heartbreak is evident on every page. Illustrated with the engravings of Jose Posada, Upside Down will lacerate while enchanting, dance you silly while shaking the daylights out of you
Profile Image for Eren Buğlalılar.
341 reviews142 followers
June 19, 2016
Das Kapital'i çağdaş bir şair yazsaydı bu kitap ortaya çıkardı diye düşündüm. Çok güzel.

- Adalet de tıpkı yılanlar gibi, yalnızca çıplak ayaklıları ısırıyor.

- Yeni açılan bir köprü çöktüğünde, içi boşaltılan bir banka battığında, çimentosuz inşa edilen bir bina yıkıldığında kimsenin hapse girmediği ülkelerde yalnızca yoksullar cezaevine girer.

- Küçük soygun özel mülkiyete karşı işlenmiş bir suç, büyük soygun mülk sahiplerinin hakkı.

- ABD'nin herkesten çok borcu var, ama kimse onu iflas bayrağı çekmeye zorlayamıyor. İktidarı elinde tutan için borç bir şeyi ifade etmiyor. Alacaklı, ancak bu parayı tahsil edebilecek araçlara sahipse gerçekten bir alacaklı olabilir. Borçlu üzerinde hiçbir yaptırımı yoksa, aksine borçlu ondan daha güçlüyse, oyunun kurallarını belirleyebiliyorsa, ilişki tersine döner.

Galeonu'nun toplumumuzdaki çarpıcı karşıtlıkları, tuhaflıkları ortaya çıkarabilme gücü, sonra bu çarpıklıkları çarpıcı metaforlarla aktarabilme yeteneği var. Metaforun ve tepetaklaklığın gücü, doğru bildiklerimizi sorgulamaya zorluyor bizi. Şimdiye kadar normal kabul ettiğimiz ilişkiler, manzaralar onun kaleminde bizi utandıran şeyler haline geliyor. Salonlarımızı televizyon merkezli tasarladığımız hiç dikkatimi çekmemişti daha önce.

Kitabın tek kusuru, 1990'ların entelektüel modası olan "hadi Sovyetler Birliği'ne vuralım" akımına kapılmış olması. Bunun karşısında da Brezilya'daki topraksız köylü hareketini, Meksika'da Zapatistaları mutlaklaştırmış, Marksizm-Leninizme bir alternatif gibi sunmaya çalışmış.

Profile Image for Reckless Serenade.
538 reviews75 followers
August 16, 2018
«Cuando está de veras viva, la memoria no contempla la historia, sino que invita a hacerla. Más que en los museos, donde la pobre se aburre, la memoria está en el aire que respiramos; y ella, desde el aire, nos respira.»

Es un libro agridulce porque por una parte tenemos a Galeano hablando de temas como la pobreza infantil o la venta de armas, pero por otra parte tenemos al Galeano mágico, que nos insiste en que somos todos uno.

Ha removido cosas dentro de mí, me ha hecho pensar y he aprendido de él. Al fin y al cabo es para lo que leemos, para que cuando terminamos un libro no seamos los mismos que cuando lo comenzamos.

En general me parece un libro muy redondo, en el que se nota el enorme trabajo que lleva detrás.
Profile Image for Carmen.
2,428 reviews
February 21, 2020
If we behave ourselves, it will come to pass. We will all see the same images and hear the same sounds and wear the same clothes and eat the same hamburgers and enjoy the same solitude in our houses all alike in neighborhoods all alike in cities all alike where we will breathe the same garbage and serve our cars with the same devotion and carry out the orders of the same machines in a world that will be marvelous for all who have no legs or wings or roots.

I' loved this book from the firts page to the last.
Profile Image for Christos.
182 reviews10 followers
May 3, 2020
Παρότι η συγγραφή του βιβλίο ολοκληρώθηκε το 1998 παραμένει επίκαιρο. Ο Γκαλεάνο με αφετηρία και επίκεντρο τις χώρες της Λατινικής Αμερικής, γράφει μικρές ιστορίες που μιλάνε για την εξουσία, την πολιτική, την εκπαίδευση, τον καταναλωτισμό, την τεχνολογία, την καταστροφή του περιβάλλοντος, μας δείχνει πόσο άδικα και σκληρά λειτουργεί ο κόσμος που ζούμε.
Profile Image for Sachi.
123 reviews25 followers
July 14, 2020
One of the boldest books I have ever read. Galeano writes about issues that plagued society centuries ago and continue to haunt our lives today with spectacular sarcasm and wit. Cannot recommend it enough.
Profile Image for Ferda Nihat Koksoy.
462 reviews19 followers
April 24, 2019
Kapitalizmde var olmak faydalı olmaktır, faydalı olmak için satılabilir olmak gerekir. Paraya çevrilemeyen zaman, boş zaman, üretme göreviyle değil de yaşama zevkiyle yaşanmış yaşam korku üretiyor. Korku da açgözlülükle birlikte kapitalizmin en aktif motorlarından biridir.

Artık parayı aşağıdakiler veriyor, düdüğü yukarıdakiler çalıyor.
Kazançlar özelleştirilirken, zararlar toplumsallaştırılıyor.
Finans oyuncuları, "çalışan insanın para kazanmaya vakti olmaz" diye dalga geçerek, üretim sistemiyle kedinin fareyle oynadığı gibi oynamaktadır.

Eğer şu yoksulluk ve küçük işletmecilik kusurları olmasaydı, mahalle bıçkınları kafalarında kral taçları, beyefendi şapkaları, piskopos takkeleri ve general kepleriyle ortalıkta ışıl ışıl dolanır, itiraflarının altına parmak basmak yerine hükümet kararlarını imzalarlardı.

Dünya ekonomisi örgütlü suçun en geçerli ifadesidir; parayı, ticareti ve krediyi kontrol eden uluslararası örgütler yoksul ülkelere ve bütün ülkelerin yoksullarına karşı en iyi bombardımanı bile utandıracak profesyonel soğukkanlılık ve dokunulmazlıkla terör uygulamaktadır.

Dünya zengin çocuklarına sanki paraymış gibi davranıyor ki onlar da paranın davrandığı gibi davranmaya alışsınlar. Dünya yoksul çocuklara sanki çöpmüş gibi davranıyor ki onlar da çöpe dönüşsünler. Orta sınıftaki ne yoksul ne zengin olan çocukları ise televizyona bağımlı tutuyor ki daha vakit erkenken tutsak yaşamı kader olarak kabul etsinler.

Siber çocuklar da siber-uzayda, kentin sokaklarında avare dolaşan terkedilmiş çocuklarla aynı yalnızlıkta yol alırlar.
Yaşlılara değer vermeyen üretim sistemi çocuklardan da korkuyor; yaşlılık bir başarısızlık, çocukluk bir tehlike.

Hem eşitleyen hem eşitliksiz bir dünya: Dayattığı düşünce ve alışkanlıklarla tektipleştiren, aptallaştıran ve eşitleyen, sunduğu fırsatlarla eşitliksiz.

Günümüzde kapitalizm, piyasa ekonomisi ismiyle ı��ıldıyor; emperyalizmin adı küreselleşme, oportünizm pragmatizm oldu, ihanetin adı ise realizm.
Şili diktatörlüğünün toplama kampının adı Haysiyet, Uruguay diktatörlüğünün başlıca cezaevinin adı da Özgürlük idi.

Ünlü sosyal Darwinist filozof Herbert Spencer, bugün pazarın kuralları olan eşitsizlikleri aklın egemenliğinde kurmuştu. Üzerinden bir yüzyıldan fazla zaman geçmiş olmasına rağmen, saptamalarından bazıları sanki şimdi söylenmiş, bizim neoliberal zamanlarımıza aitlermiş gibi geliyor kulağa. Spencer'a göre devlet en güçlü ve yetenekli insanlara iktidar veren doğal ayıklanma sürecine müdahale etmemesi için parantez içine alınmalıydı. Sosyal himaye serseri sürüsünü çoğaltmaktan başka bir işe yaramazdı, kamusal okul da yalnızca hoşnutsuzluk üretirdi. Devlet aşağı ırklara yalnızca kol-gücü isteyen işleri öğretmek ve onları alkolden uzak tutmakla yetinmeliydi.

1994 yılında yayınlanan The Bell Curve kitabı Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde muhteşem bir satış başarısı yakaladı. (Harvardlı) iki üniversite profesörü tarafından yazılan kitap pek çok kişinin düşündüğü ama söylemeye cesaret edemediği ya da alçak sesle söylediği şeyi dilinde tüy biterek açıkça söylüyordu: Siyahların ve yoksulların beyazlardan ve zenginlerden genetik miras olarak açıkça düşük bir zekâ katsayıları vardır ve bu nedenle onların eğitimine ya da sosyal ödeneklerine para akıtmak boşa kürek sallamak demektir. Yoksullar ve özellikle siyah yoksullar eşektir: yoksul oldukları için eşek değil, eşek oldukları için yoksuldurlar.

İnsan ırkının ıslahına yönelik ilk kanun 1901 yılında Kuzey Amerika eyaleti İndiana'da kabul edildi. Otuz yıl sonra, ABD'de zekâ özürlülerin, tehlikeli katillerin, tecavüzcülerin, keza "topluma zararlı sapkın", "uyuşturucu ve alkol bağımlısı" ve "hasta ve dejenere kişiler" gibi muğlak kategorilere mensupların kısırlaştırılmasına yasal açıdan izin veren eyaletlerin sayısı otuzu buldu. Kısırlaştırılanlar çoğunlukla elbette siyahlardı. Avrupa da saf ırk ve sosyal hijyen fikirlerinden doğan kanunlara sahip tek ülke Almanya değildi. Mesela İsveç'te otuzlu yıllarda kabul edilen ve 1976'ya dek yürürlükten kaldırılmayan bir yasanın uygulanmasıyla yetmiş binden fazla insanın kısırlaştırıldığını resmi kaynaklar yakın zamanda kabul etti.

Siyahlar için, Voltaire, "Avrupalılardan aşağı, fakat maymunlardan üstün"; Montesquieu, "Tanrının onların bedenine ruh koyduğunu, özelikle de iyi bir ruh koyduğunu düşünmek imkânsız"; David Hume ise, "onlar da imsanlara özgü bazı yetenekleri kullanabilir, tıpkı papağanın bazı kelimeleri söylemeyi başarması gibi" diye yazmışlardır.

Cinsiyet ayrımcılığı, ırkçılıktan geri kalmıyor: Dünyada, her 10 yoksulun 6'sı kadın, her 100 kadından yalnızca 1'nin mülkü var, aynı işi yapan kadın erkeğin 1/3'ü ücret alıyor.

Güvenliğin adalete tercih edildiği bir dünyada, adaletin güvenliğin sunaklarında kurban edilmesini her gün daha çok insan alkışlıyor. Güvenlik gerekçesiyle yok edilen sosyal mikroplar hep yoksullardır ve bunların Brezilya'daki sayısı 15 yıllık diktatörlükte öldürülenlerin 4 katıdır.

Güney Amerika'da son 10 yılda meydana gelen yüzlerce linçin failleri yoksullardı; yoksulların yoksullara kör öfkesiydi ve anketlerde halkın yarısı linçleri onaylıyordu.

Yasalar örümcek ağı gibidir, sinekleri ve diğer küçük böcekleri yakalamak için yapılmıştır, ama büyük kan emicilerin yolunu kesemez.
Dünyaya hükmeden ve spekülasyondan başka bir şey üretmeyen finans pazarlarının mantığıyla baskı/şiddet dışında her şeyden elini çeken devlet aklı, işi gücü olmayan ve asla olmayacak, iktisaden kullanım dışı olan, sayıları giderek artan, dünyaya geldikten kısa süre sonra mahkûm edilen kalabalıklara karşı hangi zorunlu itaat teknikleri geliştirebilir, onlara ne yapar?

Özel hapishanelerin sayısı hızla artıyor; suç oranı azalsa bile suç işleme potansiyeli gerekçeli mahkûmiyetler sayesinde sürekli mahkûm sayıları ve kârları yükseliyor.

Dünya Barışı, silah ticaretinden en büyük payı alan beş ülkeye emanet: Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi'ndeki veto hakkına sahip USA, UK, Rusya, Fransa, Çin.
BM'in barış için harcadığı her 1$ karşılığında dünya savaş için 2000$ harcamakta.
"Hiçbir barışçıl zafer savaşın mükemmel zaferi kadar ihtişamlı olamaz" diyen Roosevelt'e Nobel Barış Ödülü verilmiştir.

Kraliçe Viktoria 19.yy'da dünyanın en büyük uyuşturucu tüccarıydı; zorla yaptırılan uyuşturucu ticareti, direnen Çin'deki Afyon Savaşı'nda milyonlarca Çinlinin ölümüne kadar varmıştır.
ABD, yasalara göre yasak olmasına rağmen, hiçbir ciddi uyuşturucu tüccarını yakalamıyor, uyuşturucu uçakları kontrolsüz girip çıkıyor, dünyada üretilen uyuşturucunun yarısından fazlasını almak üzere de her yıl yüz milyarlarca dolar harcıyor.
ABD'de her 10 uyuşturucu kullanıcısından 8'i beyaz iken, uyuşturucuya ilişkin tutuklanan 10 kişiden sadece 1'i beyaz. Irk ayrımı burada da dehşet düzeydedir: Crack denilen ucuz, işlemden geçirilmiş kokaine verilen yasal ceza kokaine verilen cezanın 100 katıdır ve crack yüzünden ceza alanların hemen hepsi siyahlardır.

Dünyada döviz olarak işlem gören her 100$'dan sadece 2.5$'ı mal ve hizmet değişimiyle ilgili olup gerisi spekülasyonlardır; Japonya'nın en büyük 10 servetinden 7'si spekülatördür.

Dünyada işsiz sayısı giderek artıyor. Dünyanın sahipleri bu kadar gereksiz insanı ne yapacaklar? Aya mı gönderecekler onları. Fabrikalar sihir marifetiyle ortadan kaybolup yoksul ülkelere kaçıyor, teknoloji her bir şeyin üretimi için gereken iş süresini baş döndürücü bir oranda azaltıyor, mesai saatleri artıyor, paranın üretilmesi için iş artık vazgeçilmez olmaktan çıkıp spekülasyon yaygınlaşıyor. Mevcut işlerin çoğu sabit değil, düşük ücretli, güvenlikten yoksun ve işsizlik korkularının sistem için disipline edici etkisi var.
ABD'de ilk 500 şirkette çalışan her 10 kişiden yalnızca 1'i kalıcı ve tam zamanlı; Britanya'da sunulan 10 işten sadece 1'i sosyal güvenceli ve yine Britanya'da yarı zamanlı iş tanımı haftada 1 saatten fazla çalışmak.

Paradoksal olarak, reklâm ve umudun uydurduğu mutluluk için dünyanın güneyinden kuzeyine işçi göçü, işgal edilenlerin işgali olurken, ucuz işgücü için kuzeyinden güneyine fabrika göçü olmaktadır.
Güneydekiler çokuluslu şirketleri ayartmak için insanlarını ve doğasını feda ederek (kayıt dışı çalışma, çok düşük ücret, sağlık ve sosyal güvence yokluğu, çok uzun mesai süresi, çevre kirliliği) yarışmaktadır.

California petrol şirketi Chevron bir yandan yok olma tehlikesi gösteren mavi kelebekleri koruyoruz (masrafı yılda 5.000$) diye milyonlarca dolarlık çevre koruması reklamı yapıp göz boyarken, diğer yanda rafinerisi eyaletin en ağır hava, su ve toprak kirleticisi olmayı sürdürmüştür.

Radyoaktivite ve kimyasal kirliliği en çok yaratan ve bunların temizlenmesi için gereken ekipmanları en çok üreten aynı dev şirketler: General Electric, Dupont, Westinghouse vb.
Zehirlenmeler nedeniyle Tayvan'da pirincin 1/3'ü yenmiyor, Çin'deki nehirlerin 1/2'sinde balık yok ve G.Kore'deki nehirlerin 2/3'nün suyu içilemez durumda.

Uzun zaman önce Karl Marx, gelir vergilerindeki düşme ve aşırı üretim eğiliminin sistemi sınırsız büyümeye zorlayacağı ve "üretim hakkında hiçbir şey bilmeyen ve üretimle hiç alakası olmayan bir çete" diye tanımladığı "modern bankokrasi" parazitlerinin iktidar deliliğine kadar uzanacağı konusunda uyarmıştı.

Örnek tüketici, otomobilinden çalışmak ve ekrana bakmak için iniyor ve ortalama 4-6 saat ekrana bakıyor.

YOKSUL, kimsesi olmayandır ve yaygınlaşmaktadır.

Kitaplarda ve radyolarda televizyondakilerden daha güzellerini görebiliriz.

Bilim ve teknik, bizi kendi hizmetine alıyor: Kendi araçlarımızın aracıyız. Merkezsiz bir labirent olan dünya yıkılıyor.
İnsan emeğini kendi ürününden ayıran, sözü ve eylemi kalıcı ayrılığa zorlayan, gerçekliği belleğinden boşaltan ve her bireyi rekabetçi ve diğerlerinin düşmanı yapan bu sistem bütün yüzyıl boyunca araçlarla amaçları birbirinden ayırdı.
Kökünden ve bağlarından mahrum bırakılan gerçeklik, değersizliğin krallığına dönüşüyor: En çok kredi kartı olanın en saygıdeğer olduğu bir dünyada, lüks nesneler pazarın hiçleştirdiği özneleri kıskandırıyor.
Sis ideologları, şimdi moda olan belirsizlikçiliğin piskoposları, bize gerçeğin anlaşılmaz olduğunu söylüyorlar; bunu derken de gerçekliğin değiştirilemezliğini kastediyorlar.
Örnek vatandaş gerçekliği kader gibi yaşayan oldu: Eğer böyleyse böyle olduğu içindir; eğer geçmişte böyle olmuşsa demek ki gelecekte de böyle olacaktır.
Yirminci yüzyıl değişim umudu alametleri alında altında doğmuş ve azıcık ilerlediğinde de toplumsal devrim kasırgalarıyla sarsılmıştı.
Şimdilerde ise yüzyıl yılgınlığa ve boyun eğmeye teslim olmuş görünüyor.

İbranicede hasta sözcüğü, aynı zamanda projesiz anlamına da geliyor; zamanımızın en ağır hastalığı bu. Ama bir duvar yazısı şöyle diyor: KARAMSARLIĞI DAHA İYİ ZAMANLARA BIRAKALIM.

Sivrisinek bulutları gergedandan daha güçlüdür; büyüdükçe büyür, soktukça sokarlar.
Profile Image for Zeynep Haktanır Eskitoros.
101 reviews56 followers
January 27, 2022
Çok üzülerek iki yıldız veriyorum. Ne kadar önemli konulara değinmiş Galeano ama ne etkisiz bir dil ve anlatım tarzı. Ben böyle konular okumak istiyorum ama anlatım dili bu olmamalı. Yine de iyi ki yaşamış Galeano. 2 yıldız verdiğim için affımı kabul eder miydi acaba halen yaşıyor olsaydı??
Profile Image for Alexandra de León Sendoya.
120 reviews3 followers
August 6, 2018
De todos los libros que he leído de Galeano hasta el momento, creo que es por lejos mi favorito. Impreso en 1998 pero, en sus palabras, más que vigente y presente. El capítulo "La impunidad de los exterminadores del planeta" es una radiografía tan exacta de la realidad en lo que a materia medio ambiental actual se refiere, que asusta. El mismo perro, dice el dicho, pero con diferente collar. Recomendadísimo... para ayudar a pensar, hoy y siempre.
February 26, 2020
Muy buen libro que nos hace reflexionar del mundo que vivimos y somos tan inconscientes por la falta de libertad y de justicia. Pueden pasar los años y se repiten los mismos crímenes contra lo humano, natural y moral. El último capítulo es magistral.
Profile Image for Ülkü Acar.
54 reviews12 followers
May 30, 2021
"...1948 ve 1976'da Birleşmiş Milletler uzun insan hakları listelerini açıkladı, ama bugün insanlığın büyük çoğunluğunun görme, dinleme ve susma hakkından başka hakkı yok..."

Eduardo Galeano'nun mensubu olduğu Latin Amerika'ya daha fazla ışık tutarak ama tüm dünya düzenini de çok iyi görüntüleyerek kendi deyimiyle 'dünyanın sahipleri'nin ya da 'Beyaz Efendi'nin tüm ülke ve insan toplulukları için 'uygun gördükleri' kaderi nasıl yazdığı, yönettiği ve oynattığını sivri olduğu kadar da ironik kalemiyle muhteşem anlatmış. Popüler fakat son derece yüzeysel 'büyük oyunu görme' piyeslerden son derece uzak; zira anlatmaya/açıklamaya çalıştığı her şey hep yaşanagelmiş ve gerçekleşmiş somut olaylara ya da durumlara dayanıyor. 30-35 sayfalık bir kaynakçası var ki kitabın sonunda, zaten o kısmı görünce doğal olarak saygı duruşuna geçiriyor okuyucuyu.

Irkçılık ve cinsiyetçiliğin tarihselliğinden sistemleşmiş ve artık kabul edilmiş, kanıksanmış adaletsizliğe; korku kültürünün içselleştirilmesinden kitle iletişim araçlarının tekelleşerek kitleleri yönetmenin bir biçime dönüştürülmesine; hızla kirletilen gezegenden zehirlenme payına en çok sahip olan kıta ve ülkelerden tüketim toplumunun hastalıklarına kadar çok geniş bir yelpazede değindiği başlıkları hem evrensel hem de ulusal düzeylerde incelemiş ve hepsinin altından da başarıyla kalkmış.

Okuduğum en 'gerçek' kitaplardan bir tanesi. Her gün okurken, dinlerken, seyrederken , değerlendirirken parça parça algılayabildiğimiz dünya düzeninin aslında çok da karmaşık olmadığını, birbirinden çok farklı ve birbirine çok uzak yerlerde yaşayan topluluk ya da ulusların esasında ne kadar da yakın ve birbirine benzer 'acımasız kaderler' yaşadıklarını anlıyorsunuz hiç hoşnut olmayarak.

Tüm o hoşa gitmeyecek şeyleri anlatıp bitirdikten sonra da yine de umudu yitirmemekten bahsediyor (nasıl başaracaksak?) "...Biz Kastilya dilinde umutlu olduğumuzu söylemek için, umudu kuşandık deriz. Güzel ifade, güzel meydan okuma: Bu zamanların keskin havas��nda, soğuktan donup ölmemesi için kuşanmalıyız" :)
Profile Image for Nsreen.
211 reviews3 followers
October 22, 2023
القصة واحدة و المشاهد تتكرر
Profile Image for Vir - Física Lectora.
455 reviews87 followers
September 21, 2017
En resumen: Tremendo libro!!!!
No sé por dónde empezar. Hacía mucho tiempo que no leía algo que me marcara tanto, de un forma tan cruda. Siempre me gustó la escritura de Galeano, pero no había leído aún este libro. La claridad con la que expresó las problemáticas de 1998, no solo es a la vez cruda y poética, sino que también sigue vigente al día de hoy, casi 20 años después.
Si tuviera que elegir "la frase que más me gustó", no podría, porque cada frase es una puñalada al corazón, cada frase genera tanto dolor al pensar que todas esas cosas pasan y siguen pasando, y somos conscientes de que siguen pasando. Les voy a dejar algunas:
"La aptitud más útil para abrirse paso y sobrevivir, el killing instinct, el instinto asesino, es virtud humana cuando sirve para que las empresas grandes hagan la digestión de las empresas chicas y para que los países fuertes devoren a los países débiles, pero es prueba de bestialidad cuando cualquier pobre tipo sin trabajo sale a buscar comida con un cuchillo en la mano. "
"Mucha magia y mucha suerte tienen los niños que consiguen ser niños"
"Este mundo, que ofrece el banquete a todos y cierra la puerta en las narices de tantos es, al mismo tiempo, igualador y desigual: igualador en las ideas y en las costumbres que impone, y desigual en las oportunidades que brinda. "
"En estos tiempos neoliberales, los derechos públicos se reducen a favores del poder, y el poder
se ocupa de la salud pública y de la educación pública, como si fueran formas de la caridad pública, en vísperas de elecciones. "
"La memoria rota nos hace creer que la riqueza es inocente de la pobreza, que la riqueza y la pobreza vienen de la eternidad y hacia la eternidad caminan, y que así son las cosas porque Dios, o la costumbre, quieren que así sean"
"Se sataniza al drogadicto y, sobre todo, al drogadicto pobre, como se sataniza al pobre que roba, para absolver a la sociedad que los genera"
"El olvido, dice el poder, es el precio de la paz, mientras nos impone una paz fundada en la aceptación de la injusticia como normalidad cotidiana."

Me pareció muy interesante y apropiado que al final de cada capítulo se encuentran las fuentes consultadas.
Profile Image for Kirti Upreti.
212 reviews117 followers
April 13, 2023
[First read: May 2020] What happens if you're able to figure out all the tricks up the sleeves of all the illusionists? Should you then play God and turn the tide of every sea in your favor? Or should you take a deep breath and watch the magic show sitting behind the fourth wall?

Let's say you choose the second option. You see the audience being mesmerized or tortured by the illusions. You sit there for years and years, witnessing the same show being run by fresh faces before an ever amnesiac audience. Ultimately you get bored. Earlier, you felt empathy but the prolonged observation has ultimately made you feel helpless and your sentiments futile. The boredom pushes you to do something to pass time and you start analysing the entire act along with its audience.

You have to pen down what you now know by heart. You know there's no fun in it. Sarcasm and metaphors become your new best friends that add some zing to an otherwise bland concoction that you're making only for yourself. And you keep doing this all your life.

Sometimes you eavesdrop on the conversations among the audiences - the democratic crusaders, the comrades, the nationalists, the loyalists, the conservatives, the liberals, and many more - and the perspective of those living and fighting for their illusions gives you a much needed comic relief. You have already given up on them because they've bought the tickets to the show themselves and are deeply encumbered by the sunk cost fallacy.

But there's more to it. Such a state of mind gives you freedom, too. Freedom to not let your own life be governed by the diktat of the imposing world around you. Freedom from pursuing idols and ideologies. And most importantly, freedom to speak the truth that no one wants to hear- unabashedly and unapologetically. The world would call it dark humor and, ironically, also pay accolades to your sense of humor.

By now it must be clear why I love Eduardo Galeano.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 252 reviews

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