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🧼🔥 plasma-demo 🔥🧼

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If you are using nix

nix-shell -p nodejs-8_x go dep jq 

You wold also need to add this to ~/.profile:

export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

Easy install

We now provide a super simple way to run the test-suite. It only depends on docker!

make install
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
sleep 5
make build-purs
make deploy-and-test
docker-compose down

If you want to run each step manually, you can do something like but note that this currently deploys the contracts twice

make install
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d cliquebait
make deploy-contracts
make write-plasma-toml
sleep 5
docker-compose up -d plasma
make build-purs
make deploy-and-test
docker-compose down

Setting up plasma-mvp-sidechain (only once)

  1. Install original sources of plasma-mvp-sidechain and switch to our custom branch as follow:
go get

cd $GOPATH/src/

git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin

git fetch --all
git checkout http-server

dep ensure -vendor-only
  1. Install plasmad and plasmacli
cd server/plasmad
go install ./...
cd client/plasmacli
go install ./...

Run the tendermint node and server

  1. Run plasmad init should create .plasmad rooted in $HOME. Inside you should find a config/plasma.toml file. Open that file to add the address of the PlasmaMVP contract to ethereum_plasma_contract_address. To do that, you need to have already deployed the PlasmaMVP contract as described in compile contracts.
  2. To start the node, run plasmad start.
  3. To start the server, run plasmacli rest-server. This should spin up the server on

Running the test suite


> npm install

build purs files

> make build-purs

generating cliquebait.json and launching cliquebait

> make generate-genesis

You can then launch cliquebait with this json file using

>  docker run  -it -p 8545:8545  -v `pwd`/cliquebait-generated.json:/cliquebait/cliquebait.json foamspace/cliquebait:latest

compile contracts

> make compile-contracts

deploy contracts

make deploy-contracts

run test suite

Make sure you have the tendermint node up

> PLASMA_ADDRESS=<whatever-the-address-is> make test-plasma

PLASMA_ADDRESS is visible after running plasmad start. In following example it is 0xe545eaf693277ead76f5d9b4665291b0ac38853c:

plasmad start
I[2046-04-02|14:05:54.360] Starting ABCI with Tendermint                module=main
I[2046-04-02|14:05:54.388] binding to contract address 0xe545eaf693277ead76f5d9b4665291b0ac38853c module=main


Generating a plasma.toml config file

You can generate a plasma.toml config file by running make write-plasma-toml. If you would like to create a config for an Operator, set IS_OPERATOR=true OPERATOR_PRIVATE_KEY=<whatever-it-is> make write-plasma-toml.


We are still trying to figure out how to automate config/setup so that it's the same everywhere (test config vs $HOME/.plasmad/config/plasma.toml etc). Until that's done, you should check this warnings list/ update it with new warnings when you find them.

  1. When running make plasma-test you need to supply the root chain plasma contract with environment variable PLASMA_ADDRESS.
  2. When running make plasma-test you need to make sure that the FINALIZED_PERIOD environment variable is the same as what's listed under ethereum_finality in the plasma.toml file. Otherwise you will not be able to pass the include deposit test.
  3. This part is confusing