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Probabilistic Micropayments


In the Streamflow release of the Livepeer protocol, broadcasters use a probabilistic micropayment protocol in order to pay for transcoding work done by orchestrators. Broadcasters send lottery tickets to orchestrators off-chain with video segments that need to be transcoded and orchestrators redeem winning lottery tickets on-chain in order to claim payments. Regardless of whether a ticket wins or not, an orchestrator accepts a ticket as a payment of the expected value of the ticket which is calculated from the ticket's face value and winning probability. While not every ticket is going to win, in the long run after receiving many tickets, orchestrators will be paid correctly and fairly due to the law of large numbers.

The probabilistic micropayment protocol consists of:

  • A TicketBroker Ethereum smart contract that holds funds and processes winning tickets
  • An off-chain protocol between broadcasters and orchestrators for creating and sending tickets

This specification will describe both the TicketBroker contract and the off-chain protocol between broadcasters and orchestrators.

Data Structures


A Ticket represents a payment from a broadcaster to an orchestrator for transcoding work. Tickets are sent to orchestrators off-chain and winning tickets are redeemed on-chain with the TicketBroker contract.

Field Type Description
recipient address The ETH address of the orchestrator
sender address The ETH address of the broadcaster
faceValue uint256 The face value of the ticket which is paid to recipient if the ticket wins
winProb uint256 The probability that a ticket will win represented as winProb / (2^256 - 1)
senderNonce uint256 A monotonically increasing counter that makes a ticket unique for a recipientRandHash value
recipientRandHash bytes32 The orchestrator's commitment to recipientRand represented as keccak256(abi.encodePacked(recipientRand))
creationRound uint256 The last initialized round during which the ticket was created
creationRoundBlockHash bytes32 The Ethereum block hash corresponding to creationRound

The hash for a ticket T is computed as:

// auxData format:
// Bytes [0:31] = creationRound
// Bytes [32:63] = creationRoundBlockHash
bytes auxData = abi.encodePacked(T.creationRound, T.creationRoundBlockHash)
bytes32 ticketHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(

winProb can be a value from 0 to 2^256 - 1.

recipientRand is a random value generated by the orchestrator. Prior to sending tickets to an orchestrator, a broadcaster will request recipientRandHash from the orchestrator so that it can be included in tickets. Whenever an orchestrator reveals recipientRand (i.e. when the orchestrator redeems a winning ticket on-chain), the orchestrator must generate a new recipientRand and provide the corresponding recipientRandHash to broadcasters in order to ensure that broadcasters have no knowledge of recipientRand when creating tickets.

A broadcaster needs to produce an unpredictable value that can be combined with recipientRand in order to create a random value that neither the broadcaster nor the orchestrator can bias. In this specification we choose to use the broadcaster's signature senderSig over the ticket hash as the unpredictable value and in order to ensure that each ticket hash is unique we let senderNonce be a monotonically increasing counter that is reset whenever a new recipientRandHash value is used for a ticket.

The pay out from a winning ticket should compensate not only the receiving orchestrator, but also the orchestrator's delegators that staked toward the orchestrator when the ticket was sent to the orchestrator. The TicketBroker contract can send the face value of winning tickets to the orchestrator's fee pool for creationRound such that the orchestrator's delegators during creationRound can claim their share of the fees. creationRound is also used to determine the expiration round for a ticket. Since TicketBroker enforces a specific ticket validity period based off of a ticket's creationRound, broadcasters that create tickets with creationRound less than the current round will effectively reduce the ticket's validity period. Thus, while broadcasters can create tickets with creationRound set to a past round, orchestrators will likely reject such tickets due to their shorter effective validity period which means less time for the orchestrators to redeem winning tickets.

The ticket also includes creationRoundBlockHash in order to prevent a broadcaster from creating tickets that specify a creation round in the future. This specification assumes that the broadcaster, orchestrator and TicketBroker have access to a RoundsManager contract that stores an Ethereum block hash for each new round. Since the Ethereum block hash for a round is only stored when the round is initialized, a broadcaster would be unable to set creationRound to a future round unless it is able to predict the Ethereum block hash that will be stored when the future round is initialized.

When calculating the hash of a ticket, creationRound and creationRoundBlockHash are encoded in a byte array auxData following the behavior of the Solidity abi.encodePacked() built-in. These parameters are encoded into a byte array that is passed into keccak256 hash function instead of passing the creationRound and creationRoundBlockHash individually because the TicketBroker contract defines the Ticket struct with a byte array auxData field. The motivation behind this byte array auxData field is to add/remove extra data in a ticket without changing the on-chain Ticket struct definition - the TicketBroker contract just needs to be upgraded to interpret updated extra data in submitted tickets. Another way that this could be accomplished without upgrading the TicketBroker contract itself is to encode a contract address in auxData and then call a validation function on the contract using the Soldity STATICCALL opcode with the other arguments encoded in auxData.

Given a ticket T, a broadcaster will use the ECDSA algorithm to sign the ticket hash to produce senderSig, a Ethereum specific signature calculated following the eth_sign JSON-RPC method specification. Then, a broadcaster will send both T and senderSig to an orchestrator.


A Sender represents a ticket sender, identified by ETH address, with on-chain funds deposited that can be used to pay for winning tickets. A ticket sender may also have Reserve associated with it.

Field Type Description
deposit uint256 Amount of funds deposited.
withdrawRound uint256 Round that the sender can withdraw its deposit and reserve.

Funds can only move from a sender's deposit and/or reserve (see the Reserve section for additional rules for claiming funds from the reserve) if:

  • The sender initiates an unlock, waits through the unlock period and withdraws
  • A valid winning ticket is redeemed via TicketBroker.redeemWinningTicket() that specifies the sender's ETH address in the ticket


A Reserve represents locked on-chain funds that are separate from a broadcaster's deposit. Unlike deposit funds which can be used to pay for an arbitrary amount of winning tickets sent to any orchestrator, reserve funds are split into equal allocations, each of which is committed to one of the active orchestrators in the current round. An active orchestrator is guaranteed the allocation value even if the broadcaster overspends such that its deposit is insufficient to pay for outstanding winning tickets. At this point, any winning ticket redemptions would claim from the broadcaster's reserve up to the value of the allocation. As rounds progress, a broadcaster's reserve is automatically committed to the active orchestrators for the current round without any intervention by the broadcaster.

The allocation value is also the maximum amount that an active orchestrator will be willing to "float" for a broadcaster. When an orchestrator receives a winning ticket it treats the ticket face value as float since the broadcaster may or may not have sufficient deposit funds to cover the ticket face value at the time of redemption. An orchestrator can safely receive winning tickets and add to its float for a broadcaster up to the allocation value committed to the orchestrator from the broadcaster's reserve. Whenever an orchestrator successfully redeems a winning ticket which draws from a broadcaster's deposit, it can subtract the ticket face value from its float for a broadcaster.

Field Type Description
funds uint256 Funds remaining in the reserve.
claimedForRound mapping (uint256 => uint256) Total amount claimed from reserve during a particular round.
claimedByAddress mapping (uint256 => mapping (address => uint256)) Amount claimed from reserve by an address during a particular round.

A broadcaster (identified by ETH address) only has a single reserve at any given point in time.

A broadcaster's reserve can be thought of as a fixed amount of funds that is committed to the set of orchestrators which is updated each round. So, at the beginning of each round, the reserve is split into equal allocations based on the current orchestrator set. Thus, without adding additional funds to a reserve, it will be split into smaller allocations as the orchestrator set approaches its maximum size and it will be split into larger allocations as the orchestrator set shrinks in size. Since each allocation represents an orchestrator's max float for the broadcaster, as the allocation size increase, an orchestrator will be able to safely receive winning tickets with higher face values or more winning tickets with lower face values prior to having to redeem them.

An orchestrator can accept or reject work from a broadcaster based upon the broadcaster's reserve and the value of the allocation from the reserve committed to the orchestrator. For example, since the value of the allocation affects the maximum face value that can be used for tickets, lower reserves would require lower ticket face values and higher winning probabilities - if the winning probability is too high such that an orchestrator would need to redeem winning tickets too frequently (potentially contributing to network congestion), then an orchestrator might reject work from the broadaster.


Global Parameters

Field Type Description
UNLOCK_PERIOD uint256 The number of rounds that a sender must wait in order to unlock funds for withdrawal
TICKET_VALIDITY_PERIOD uint256 The number of rounds that a ticket is valid for starting from the ticket's creationRound

UNLOCK_PERIOD corresponds to the unlock period that a broadcaster must wait through in order to unlock funds for withdrawal. A broadcaster can cancel an unlock at any time either via an explicit cancellation or by adding more funds to its deposit and/or reserve.

TICKET_VALIDITY_PERIOD corresponds to the validity period for a ticket starting from its creationRound. In practice, this value should be >= 2 rounds because if it is 1 round then there is an edge case where a winning ticket is created close to the end of a round and then quickly expires before an orchestrator can redeem it.



The TicketBroker contract serves as a transparent trusted third party that:

  • Holds deposit and reserve funds for parties that wish to send tickets as payments
  • Processes winning ticket redemptions for parties that receive tickets as payments


Orchestrators call redeemWinningTicket when they want to claim payments associated with received winning tickets. If a broadcaster's deposit is insufficient to cover the full face value of a winning ticket, the uncovered portion of the ticket face value will be claimed from the broadcaster's reserve up to the maximum allocation guaranteed to the orchestrator.

 * @dev Redeems a winning ticket that has been signed by a broadcaster and reveals the recipientRand that corresponds
 * to the recipientRandHash included in the ticket. Successful redemption will send the ticket's faceValue
 * to the receiving orchestrator's fee pool for the ticket's creationRound
 * If the broadcaster's deposit >= the ticket faceValue, the ticket faceValue will be claimed from the broadcaster's deposit
 * If the broadcaster's deposit < the ticket faceValue, the broadcaster's reserve will be frozen and the portion of the ticket faceValue
 * not covered by the broadcaster's deposit will be claimed from the broadcaster's reserve
 * @param _ticket Winning ticket to be redeemed in order to claim payment 
 * @param _senderSig Broadcaster's signature over the hash of _ticket
 * @param _recipientRand The pre-image for the recipientRandHash included in _ticket
function redeemWinningTicket(
    Ticket memory _ticket
    bytes _senderSig
    uint256 _recipientRand

redeemWinningTicket will revert under the following conditions:

  • The Controller is paused
  • The current round is not initialized
  • The ticket's recipient is the null address
  • The ticket's sender is the null address
  • _recipientRand is not the pre-image for the ticket's recipientRandHash
  • The ticket's creationRoundHash is not a valid Ethereum block hash that has been stored for creationRound
  • The ticket has already been redeemed previously
  • _senderSig is not a valid signature over the ticket hash from the ticket's sender
  • The ticket did not win i.e. uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_senderSig, _recipientRand))) >= _ticket.winProb
  • The sender is unlocked
  • The ticket's sender's deposit and reserve are both zero
  • The ticket's recipient is not a registered orchestrator

If the ticket's recipient is not an active orchestrator in the current round, the broadcaster's deposit is greater than zero and the broadcaster's deposit is less than the ticket's face value, then the orchestrator claims the entirety of the broadcaster's deposit, but does not receive the remainder of the ticket's face value not covered by the broadcaster's deposit.

Funds for a successful winning ticket redemption are added to the ticket recipient's fee pool for the ticket's creationRound via the BondingManager.updateTranscoderWithFees() function. The state accounting to track funds ownership is then managed by the BondingManager and the actual ETH is held by the Minter.

Reserve claiming is triggered when T.faceValue > B.deposit for a ticket T sent by a broadcaster B with reserve in round N with numRecipients active orchestrators. The reserve claiming calculations work as follows:

  1. owed = T.faceValue - B.deposit
  2. reserveAlloc = (reserve.funds + reserve.claimedForRound[N]) / numRecipients
  3. claimable = reserveAlloc - reserve.claimedByAddress[O]
  4. claimAmount = owed
  5. If claimAmount > claimable:
    • claimAmount = claimable
  6. If claimAmount == 0:
    • Return
  7. reserve.claimedForRound[N] += claimAmount
  8. reserve.claimedByAddress[O] += claimAmount
  9. reserve.funds -= claimAmount

When calculating reserveAlloc, the TicketBroker takes the sum of reserve.funds and reserve.claimedForRound[N] because B's reserve funds are committed to the active orchestrator set at the beginning of the current round. Active orchestrators in the current round are guaranteed at least the reserve funds available at the beginning of the round divided by the number of active orchestrators. If B adds more reserve funds during the round, then active orchestrators are guaranteed a greater amount. reserve.funds + reserve.claimedForRound[N] will equal the amount available at the beginning of the round plus any additional funds added to the reserve during the round. Each orchestrator starts off with a guaranteed allocation based on this amount. As O claims from the reserve, the TicketBroker keeps track of the amount claimed by O in the round thus far and subtracts the amount claimed from O's maximum guaranteed allocation to determine the amount that is still claimable by O from B's reserve.


Orchestrators can call batchRedeemWinningTickets when they want to claim payments associated with multiple received winning tickets in a single atomic transaction.

 * @dev Redeems multiple winning tickets. The function will redeem all of the provided
 * tickets and handle any failures gracefully without reverting the entire function
 * @param _tickets Array of winning tickets to be redeemed in order to claim payment
 * @param _sigs Array of sender signatures over the hash of tickets (`_sigs[i]` corresponds to `_tickets[i]`)
 * @param _recipientRands Array of preimages for the recipientRandHash included in each ticket (`_recipientRands[i]` corresponds to `_tickets[i]`)
 function batchRedeemWinningTickets(
    Ticket[] memory _tickets,
    bytes[] _sigs,
    uint256[] _recipientRands

batchRedeemWinningTickets will not revert if the redemption for an individual ticket in a batch fails and it will always try to redeem every ticket in a batch.

batchRedeemWinningTickets will revert under the following conditions:

  • The Controller is paused
  • The current round is not initialized


Broadcasters call fundDeposit to add ETH to their on-chain deposit that backs winning ticket redemptions. The TicketBroker keeps track of the deposit amount, but the actual ETH is sent to the Minter contract. If a broadcaster previously initiated the unlock period and then calls fundDeposit, the unlock period is cancelled.

 * @dev Adds ETH to the caller's deposit
function fundDeposit() external payable;

fundDeposit will revert under the following conditions:

  • The Controller is paused


Broadcasters call fundReserve to add ETH to their on-chain reserve that guarantees equal allocations of value to active orchestrators in the current round in the event that their deposit is insufficient to cover all outstanding winning tickets. The TicketBroker keeps track of the reserve amount, but the actual ETH is sent to the Minter contract. If a broadcaster previously initiated the unlock period and then calls fundReserve, the unlock period is cancelled.

 * @dev Adds ETH to the caller's reserve
function fundReserve() external payable;

fundReserve will revert under the following conditions:

  • The Controller is paused


Broadcasters call fundDepositAndReserve in order to add ETH to both their deposit and reserve in a single atomic transaction. The TicketBroker keeps track of the deposit and reserve amounts, but the actual ETH is sent to the Minter contract.

 * @dev Adds ETH to the caller's deposit and reserve
 * @param _depositFunds ETH to add to the caller's deposit
 * @param _reserveFunds ETH to add to the caller's reserve
function fundDepositAndReserve(uint256 _depositFunds, uint256 _reserveFunds) external payable;

fundDepositAndReserve will revert under the following conditions:

  • The Controller is paused
  • _depositFunds + _reserveFunds is not equal to the amount of ETH sent with the fundDepositAndReserve call
  • The deposit funding (which should use the same internal logic as fundDeposit) process halts with a revert
  • The reserve funding (which should use the same internal logic as fundReserve) process halts with a revert


Broadcasters call unlock to start the unlock period. They are able to withdraw their funds after the unlock period is over.

 * @dev Initiates the unlock period for the caller. This function can only be called
 * if the caller is not already in the unlock period
function unlock() public;

unlock will revert under the following conditions:

  • The Controller is paused
  • The caller's deposit and reserve are both empty
  • The caller already initiated the unlock period
  • The caller's funds are already unlocked


Broadcasters call cancelUnlock to cancel the unlock period.

 * @dev Cancels the unlocking period for the caller. This function can only be called
 * if the caller is in the unlock period
function cancelUnlock() public;

cancelUnlock will revert under the following conditions:

  • The Controller is paused
  • The caller is not in the unlock period


Broadcasters call withdraw to withdraw funds after waiting through the unlock period. The TicketBroker will ask the Minter to transfer the requested funds to the caller.

 * @dev Withdraws all ETH from the caller's deposit and reserve. This function can only be
 * called if the caller's funds are unlocked 
function withdraw() public;

withdraw will revert under the following conditions:

  • The Controller is paused
  • The caller's deposit and reserve are both empty
  • The caller's funds are not unlocked


Broadcaster State Transition Diagram


The above diagram describes the various states that a broadcaster can be in. A broadcaster's default state is Unlocked.

Fetching Ticket Parameters


A broadcaster is able to fetch ticket parameters from an orchestrator that can be used to create tickets to send to the orchestrator.

Initial State

  • Orchestrator O
  • Broadcaster B


When O starts up, it generates a random value secret.

  1. B sends a request to O for ticket parameters
  2. O computes recipientRandHash
    • O generates a random value seed
    • recipientRandHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(HMAC(O.secret, seed | B.address)))
  3. O sends its required faceValue and winProb along with recipientRandHash and seed to B

Creating and Sending Tickets


A broadcaster is able to create and send tickets off-chain to an orchestrator.

Initial State

  • Orchestrator O
  • Broadcaster B with ticket parameters faceValue, winProb, recipientRandHash and seed fetched from O


  1. B creates a ticket T
    • T.faceValue = faceValue
    • T.winProb = winProb
    • Let lastUsedNonce be B's last used nonce for a ticket that includes recipientRandHash
    • T.senderNonce = lastUsedNonce
    • Store lastUsedNonce++ for recipientRandHash
    • T.recipientRandHash = recipientRandHash
    • Let creationRound be the last initialized round
    • Let creationRoundBlockHash be the Ethereum block hash stored by the RoundManager contract for creationRound
    • T.creationRound = creationRound
    • T.creationRoundHash = creationRoundBlockHash
  2. B signs the ticket hash for T to produce senderSig
  3. B sends T, senderSig and seed to O

Validating Tickets


An orchestrator can validate tickets and check for winning tickets locally.

Initial State

  • Orchestrator O received a ticket T, senderSig and seed from broadcaster B
  • senderSig is B's signature over the ticket hash for T


  1. O computes the recipientRand for B
    • recipientRand = HMAC(O.secret, seed | B.address)
  2. O validates T
    • If T.recipient == address(0), return
    • If T.sender == address(0), return
    • If keccak256(abi.encodePacked(recipientRand)) != T.recipientRandHash, return
    • If T.creationRound is not the last initialized round, return
    • If T.creationRoundHash is not a valid Ethereum block hash stored by the RoundsManager contract for T.creationRound, return
    • Check that senderSig is valid for T
      • Let signer be the signer address recovered from senderSig and the ticket hash
      • If T.sender != signer, return
    • Check that T.senderNonce is valid for recipientRand
      • Let lastSenderNonce be the highest senderNonce that O has seen for recipientRand
      • If T.senderNonce <= lastSenderNonce, return
      • Else, lastSenderNonce = T.senderNonce
  3. O checks if T is a winning ticket
    • If keccak256(abi.encodePacked(senderSig, recipientRand)) < T.winProb:
      • Save T, senderSig and recipientRand so that T can be redeemed on-chain later

Redeeming Winning Tickets


An orchestrator can redeem winning tickets with TicketBroker in order to claim payment.

Initial State

  • Orchestrator O has a winning ticket T and its associated senderSig and recipientRand values


  1. O calls TicketBroker.redeemWinningTicket() with T, senderSig and recipientRand
  2. O records recipientRand locally and rejects any tickets with a recipientRandHash value that corresponds to recipientRand
  3. O generates a new seed and recipientRandHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(HMAC(O.secret, seed | B.address)) and sends it to B

Reserve Claiming


If a broadcaster overspends such that its deposit is insufficient to cover the face values of outstanding winning tickets that it has sent out, an active orchestrator in the current round can still redeem winning tickets to claim from the broadcaster's reserve up to the allocation value committed to the orchestrator.

Initial State

  • Broadcaster B with reserve
  • Orchestrator O with a winning ticket T such that T.faceValue > B.deposit
  • Current round N with Y orchestrators in the active set


Same as Redeeming Winning Tickets.


A note on reserve claiming edge cases:

Consider the following scenario:

  1. B has a reserve X in round N when the active set size is Y
  2. O sets its desired ticket face value to X / Y which is O's guaranteed allocation from B's reserve
  3. O receives a winning ticket at the very end of round N
  4. B overspends thereby setting its deposit to 0
  5. Round N + 1 begins before O redeems its winning ticket

In this scenario, a few edge cases are possible:

  1. O is no longer in the active set in round N + 1 and is unable to claim from B's reserve using the winning ticket
  2. The size of the active set in round N + 1 increases to Y + 1 and O cannot claim the full ticket face value from B's reserve because the ticket face value X / Y is greater than X / (Y + 1)
  3. Someone claims from B's reserve at the end of round N which reduces the reserve to X' < X. At the beginning of round N + 1, O's guaranteed allocation from B's reserve is X' / Y which will not cover the full face value X / Y of O's winning ticket

Note that both 2 and 3 can occur in the same time period.

The probability of one of these edge cases occuring depends on the probability of O receiving a winning ticket at the very end of a round and the probability of one of the following events occuring at the end of a round: O is evicted from the active set in the next round, the active set size increases in the next round or someone claims from B's reserve before the next round begins. Since O sets the winning probability of tickets and generally wants to minimize on-chain transactions, generally tickets should be have low winning probabilities so the probability of O receiving a winning ticket at the very end of round should also be low. Furthermore, if O suspects one of these events could occur at the end of a round, it can pay a premium for faster transaction confirmation time for a winning ticket received at the end of the round if doing so would still be profitable in order to guarantee that it will be able to claim its owed amount from B's reserve if needed.



A malicious broadcaster can try to front-run orchestrators by withdrawing its reserve right before an orchestrator's ticket redemption transaction confirms on-chain which would claim from the broadcaster's reserve after the broadcaster has overspent with its deposit. This front-run attack can be prevented with delayed withdrawals. In order for a broadcaster to withdraw its deposit and reserve, it must first request to unlock its funds with the TicketBroker contract and then wait UNLOCK_PERIOD rounds before being able to withdraw.

Initial State

  • Broadcaster B that has not already requested to unlock its funds
  • Current round N


  1. B calls TicketBroker.unlock()
  2. B enters the unlock period
    • B.withdrawRound = N + UNLOCK_PERIOD
  3. After UNLOCK_PERIOD rounds, B calls TicketBroker.withdraw()
    • TicketBroker sends B.deposit to B and sets B.deposit = 0
    • TicketBroker sends B.reserve.funds to B and set B.funds = 0


While a delayed withdrawal mechanism can prevent a broadcaster from prematurely withdrawing its reserve, a malicious broadcaster can still create winning tickets that sends the broadcaster's entire deposit to a Sybil account (if the same party acts as both the broadcaster and orchestrator, it can create tickets that always win). However, as long as an orchestrator does not accept tickets from a broadcaster after hitting the maximum float based on a broadcaster's reserve with received winning tickets that have not been redeemed yet, then the orchestrator will still be paid fairly.